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Sweden: Doubling the number of refugees as centres burn

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Why? Can't muslims live in a democracy?


Not many Muslim countries have great records for democracy. Certainly not in the Middle East and the African countries which are now in conflict.

And we don't have a record in the UK for electing governments on religious grounds which is the way we would go with a Muslim majority.


I meant in this country. Slightly different if you are living in an established democracy. I dont believe Muslims are having any difficulty living in a democratic system here or do you know better?

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meanwhile two people get stabbed to death at a school in sweden/


The attack took place in Kronogården, a disadvantaged area where more than half the population were born abroad. Trolhättan has been named by researchers the most highly segregated city in Sweden, with immigrants concentrated in Kronogården.


Yes stabbed and killed by a non Muslim/non refugee.




Funny how it is kept low key since this has nothing to do with Muslims or any foreign brown skinned person.


A bit like the recent shooter in America hey?


You and your ilk refrain from commenting too much when the killer is white and home bred.


You were exposed a long time ago but this just shows you up even more- go bigot, go..

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I meant in this country. Slightly different if you are living in an established democracy. I dont believe Muslims are having any difficulty living in a democratic system here or do you know better?

Some Muslims are clearly having a problem living in a democratic system, as typified by arrests on terrorism charges and by people leaving to join ISIS.

The point I was making was that if we finish up with a country with a Muslim majority we will get governments elected on their religious beliefs.

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meanwhile two people get stabbed to death at a school in sweden/


The attack took place in Kronogården, a disadvantaged area where more than half the population were born abroad. Trolhättan has been named by researchers the most highly segregated city in Sweden, with immigrants concentrated in Kronogården.


It was a non Muslim that did the stabbing...:rolleyes:

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Some Muslims are clearly having a problem living in a democratic system, as typified by arrests on terrorism charges and by people leaving to join ISIS.

The point I was making was that if we finish up with a country with a Muslim majority we will get governments elected on their religious beliefs.


Thats a fair point , though its a tiny minority. The projection was for 60 years making lotd of assumptions, so I would treat it with a massive pinch of salt. Unreliable.


Oh I see....

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Yes stabbed and killed by a non Muslim/non refugee.




Funny how it is kept low key since this has nothing to do with Muslims or any foreign brown skinned person.


A bit like the recent shooter in America hey?


You and your ilk refrain from commenting too much when the killer is white and home bred.


You were exposed a long time ago but this just shows you up even more- go bigot, go..


It was a non Muslim that did the stabbing...:rolleyes:

i looked at a few news reports and nothing to do with the ethnicity or religion etc of the perpetrator had been released, apart from the "nazi like" uniform, which could just mean anything black really

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Surely people can see what the next line of argument is going to be? Predictable.


There was islamophobia on this site before (well by certain posters), but since a break the immigration mania on this site has surpised me. At least the politics is kept to 2 threads :).

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Surely people can see what the next line of argument is going to be? Predictable.


There was islamophobia on this site before (well by certain posters), but since a break the immigration mania on this site has surpised me. At least the politics is kept to 2 threads :).


What does 'Islamophobia' mean?

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What does 'Islamophobia' mean?


Oxford dict

Definition of Islamophobia in English:


[mass noun]

Dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.


the wiki definition is wider

Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is a term for prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims.


Anyway its a passong comment on how ive found the forums to have changed and the focus of this thread is more the immigration angle, which gets people very excited.

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