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Can i claim p.i.p.


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Hi there.I am a carer for my disabled wife.Having had a previous heart attack and two lots of stents fitted in my heart i now have been suffering with angina.I had an angiogram and the cardiologist was unable to stent again.He tells me I have severe multi vessel disease. He is passing my case to a surgeon to arrange bypass surgery. I have been told to apply for p.I.p.but it seems like a stress minefield I'm unsure whether to go into.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

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I would think that if you have to modify a lot of what you do to manage the angina pain and pace yourself then yes, you would qualify for the criteria for PIP. However, just because you should qualify doesn't mean that you should automatically put yourself through the stress of the application procedure.


My advice would be to organise an appointment with someone who knows what to do with the forms and then order your forms to fit in with this (since you only have a few weeks to send the forms back) and order a report from your cardiologist and your GP ahead of time too. Don't wait for them to contact your cardiologist or GP because they have admitted that they don't always do that, and if they don't contact them then they don't see any corroborating evidence with your form and automatically turn you down, even if you do meet the criteria.


Take it as a planned process, book the time to fill in the forms and make sure that you have time to reward yourself for getting through the process too, and then when you post the forms you've lost nothing. The worst they can say is 'no' and it will take months either way, so post it and forget it. You can pick up the stress later on in the process if you need to :)

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Yes, of course you should.

Personal Independent payment is for people under 65. To start the process off you have to phone a number, they will ask you some basic questions like national insurance number etc, and if they are satisfied they will send you an application form.


The fact that you are a carer for your wife shouldn't make any difference.


I'll try and find the number you need to phone.

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I would think that if you have to modify a lot of what you do to manage the angina pain and pace yourself then yes, you would qualify for the criteria for PIP. However, just because you should qualify doesn't mean that you should automatically put yourself through the stress of the application procedure.


My advice would be to organise an appointment with someone who knows what to do with the forms and then order your forms to fit in with this (since you only have a few weeks to send the forms back) and order a report from your cardiologist and your GP ahead of time too. Don't wait for them to contact your cardiologist or GP because they have admitted that they don't always do that, and if they don't contact them then they don't see any corroborating evidence with your form and automatically turn you down, even if you do meet the criteria.


Take it as a planned process, book the time to fill in the forms and make sure that you have time to reward yourself for getting through the process too, and then when you post the forms you've lost nothing. The worst they can say is 'no' and it will take months either way, so post it and forget it. You can pick up the stress later on in the process if you need to :)

Would that be a citizens advice beauro.?.

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Would that be a citizens advice beauro.?.


It may be the CAB, or it may be one of the voluntary representation services or action groups. There are a number of different organisations who could help, depending on where you live, although like the CAB they do tend to get booked up.

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I'm not sure you would be awarded it, because you already care for someone. I would suggest calling a charity called Fightback, they specialize in disability claims and have a fantastic success rate. I myself have used them for both PIP and ESA and have been successful both times, first time. If you need help finding them, let me know, but they do have websites anf 2 facebook pages, good luck x

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  • 2 months later...

Just to update.I had my surgery on 28th dec.came out on new years day.Had a letter to attend a pip interview in Leeds.I contacted them to say i couldnt travel so they sent a healthcare professional to see me at home.Very nice guy turned up to see me( he had travelled from scotland to south yorks for 3 days to do the home visits??) He went through my claim.I am pleased to say that i got my decision today and was awarded pip.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really do hate the way they treat disabled people in this country. Im a ex Soldier I always believed in fairness clearly this has gone out of the window with this so called government . Over 10,000 ex servicemen are living on the streets we need to get together and fight back it our country not theirs!


---------- Post added 06-02-2016 at 19:44 ----------


Just to update.I had my surgery on 28th dec.came out on new years day.Had a letter to attend a pip interview in Leeds.I contacted them to say i couldnt travel so they sent a healthcare professional to see me at home.Very nice guy turned up to see me( he had travelled from scotland to south yorks for 3 days to do the home visits??) He went through my claim.I am pleased to say that i got my decision today and was awarded pip.


Good for you and we'll done as Bob Marley would say never give up the fight.

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