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Steel workers - why the special treatment?

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I've not researched this but I would imagine that the steelworks are in areas that historically are heavily dependent on steel, and have no other employers in the area. I would imagine that the money will help to fund things like retraining.

I don't begrudge those who have lost their jobs this money.

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I've not researched this but I would imagine that the steelworks are in areas that historically are heavily dependent on steel, and have no other employers in the area. I would imagine that the money will help to fund things like retraining.

I don't begrudge those who have lost their jobs this money.


It's not just the area it's the workers themselves. When woolworths (and others) hit the wall, the staff made redundant could get another retail job with little if any additional training. I can't think of much a trained, experienced steelworker could do apart from steelwork.

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I've not researched this but I would imagine that the steelworks are in areas that historically are heavily dependent on steel, and have no other employers in the area. I would imagine that the money will help to fund things like retraining.

I don't begrudge those who have lost their jobs this money.


Retraining for what? Serious question.

Especially anyone over 50, (perhaps even 45 these days.)

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Get ready for the bosses reaction to the living wage,automation is comming,and its the owners of these daleks that will take the money,pretty soon wel all be redundant


Take away the bold and it's what's been said ever since the first person invented a tool to solve a problem.


Things/terms like 'living wage' is just today's bull**** term to cover it up. It's small fish.


The real problem we have now/in the future, is so many redundant people. The population of the planet has exploded due to all the efficiencies/medical knowledge that people have built.


People lap up cheap stuff, and always have because it's an evolved state to get the best you can get for the least outgoings. In the globalised world that we live in now, no government can stop this.

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