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Why are people obsessed over what other people think of them?

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One of the best things about growing older, is that you care less and less what people think of you, and start being yourself.


Oh, most definitely. It's great :) Although, as a youngster, I can't recall caring THAT much what others thought. Now though, I really couldn't give a f**k.



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Agree. People are way too concerned about what others think of them. What car they drive, what clothes they wear, latest phone, what they look like, their house.

I wouldnt say good or bad. But it must be exhausting trying to be someone you are not and always keeping up with other peoples expectations im sure.


What I learnt is people are on the whole too self obsessed anyway to care what you are doing, and the people that do care, are not worth knowing anyway, so do what makes you happy or amused. Its a short life.


are you the same person from the "short people"thread?

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