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Rotherham Muslims call for boycott on Police

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Eh, how does this one work, what if they need to report a crime??



A Muslim group in Yorkshire has called on a town's Islamic groups and institutions to boycott South Yorkshire Police over claims the force have “scapegoated” them.

The call to boycott, issued by the Muslim Community of Rotherham, claims that since the publication of the Alexis Jay report last year, South Yorkshire Police has “deflected their own failures" by targetting Muslims in the area.

The group has also said that any Muslim institution that doesn't abide by the boycott will in turn by boycotted.

Published on 26 August 2014, the Alexis Jay report found at least 1,400 children were subjected to atrocious sexual abuse in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, with girls as young as 11 raped, trafficked, abducted and abused predominantly by men of Pakistani-heritage.

The Muslim Community of Rotherham say Muslims have been demonised since the report's finding were made public, adding “the entire Muslim community has been tarred with the same brush.”

“There is a perception in the minds of many ordinary people that all Muslims are now potential child abusers, or that they have been involved in some sort of cover-up,” say the group.

Chief Superintendent Jason Harwin, commander for Rotherham's Local Policing Unit, said: “We are aware that there have been increased tensions in Rotherham since the publication of the Jay report last year.

“We have not had any formal approach from British Muslim Youth to address the issues raised in their meeting yesterday, which is disappointing because we are in regular contact with representatives from the Muslim community to discuss issues affecting Rotherham.

"I am making efforts to speak to the group urgently to resolve this matter, as disengagement potentially puts the community at risk if an individual or a section of society feels they cannot speak to police about issues that concern them."

The Muslim Community of Rotherham add that Islamaphobia in the town has reached “unprecedented levels”, citing figures collated by Tell MAMA, a service measuring anti-Muslim attacks, who have received reports of 27 attacks in the last 12 months.

“South Yorkshire Police must listen to our concerns and treat us as equal partners pursuing shared goals," said the group.

“They have to own up to their failures, before they cause irreparable damage. This must happen immediately without further delay.”

Mr Harwin added: “We work closely with the Muslim community and join them in their condemnation of all forms of child sexual exploitation.

“We accept that we have made mistakes in the past but we are absolutely committed to identifying those who commit this despicable crime and bringing them before the courts.

“One of our most high-profile investigations, Operation Clover, will be in court again in December where eight individuals will face numerous charges of child sexual abuse in Rotherham.

“This investigation, and many others, remains ongoing as we continue our efforts to tackle this crime and bring offenders to justice.

In response to the Muslim Community of Rotherham's comments regarding the death of an elderly Muslim man, Mr Harwin said: “We also have two people charged in connection with the murder of 81-year-old Mushin Ahmed in Rotherham earlier this year.

"A comprehensive investigation was launched after he was found injured and we received a great deal of support from the local community while we carried out our enquiries.

“At a time where factions would look to divide our community, it has never been more important for us to move forward and move forward together, if we are to make Rotherham a safer place to work and live.”


Excuse me for the lazy copy and paste

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Some Rotherham Muslims call for boycott on police.


Or to be on the safe side, some Rotherham Muslims call for some boycott on some police.


Not a punchy title though.


---------- Post added 27-10-2015 at 10:46 ----------


Sorry, my bad..


Where did you get this from, just out of curiosity?

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Tinfoil its in the Independent.



Vit of research shows what is meant.


This is their complaint, its community group called Birish Muslim Youth. No idea how popular they are. The explanation on their website explains and imo is well written though. Maybe imagine you saw something on a webiste posted by the non muslim youth of Rotherham and that might put it into perspective.




Since 26th August 2014, the date the Jay Report was published, the Muslim community has been under perpetual attack and demonisation. Over the last fourteen months, the Muslim community has time and again condemned the wholesale Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) that was brought to light. Whether in the form of a community conference; or a rally held outside of Town Hall – we have called for the perpetrators to be prosecuted.


However despite this we, the entire Muslim community, have been tarred with the same brush. There is a perception in the minds of many ordinary people that all Muslims are now potential child abusers, or that they have been involved in some sort of a cover up. This is further perpetuated by fourteen far-right demonstrations in our town that have zapped poison into our local community. In turn our women have been threatened with rape, children attacked, Mosques vandalised, men physically assaulted whilst out earning their livelihood and an elderly man being murdered. The marginalisation and dehumanisation of the Muslim community has been in full swing.


What is the fault of school children who are called “groomers” in schools in this whole sordid affair? How can it be justifiable to threaten Muslim women with rape as a response to the findings of the Jay Report? Can anyone find a single reason to justify the murder of an innocent Muslim man? What reason do people have to smash Mosque windows?


Let it be made clear – if it was not already so – the Muslim community completely condemns all forms of Child Sexual Exploitation and will always stand with the victims of abuse. Our community, led by the organisation British Muslim Youth, held a rally in solidarity with the victims and called for the perpetrators to be prosecuted. However, the findings of the Jay Report cannot and must not be used to scapegoat and discriminate against the entire Muslim community due to the actions of certain individuals.


This is what they mean its just non engagement.

It is against this backdrop that: we, the Muslim community of Rotherham, have voted for all Muslim organisations and institutions (whether religious or secular), which claim to represent Muslims in Rotherham, to cut all lines of engagement and communication with South Yorkshire Police. This policy will be in effect until and unless South Yorkshire Police can treat our community with respect and fairness, just as we have done with the police force going back many decades....................



Note: Cutting all forms of engagement and ties with South Yorkshire Police does not mean that, you do not ring 999 at a time of an emergency, or you stop reporting crimes. The boycott is purely in terms of dialogue, communication and engagement with South Yorkshire Police when it comes to dealing with issues and matter concerning general policing and welfare of the Muslim community. For example if the police wish to come to a Mosque to deliver a talk or provide Muslim groups with some sort of training, this is the sort of stuff that will no longer take place, and from today will be boycotted.

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I wonder if it's because there have been so few prosecutions of those responsible for the abuse, and I haven't heard anything about front line police officers who behaved outrageously (e.g. blaming the victims openly) - that there is still a lot of anger about?

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