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Enforcing Judgement Letter

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Does anyone know what a letter to the defendant enforcing a judgement says.

I ended up going through the MCOL, and have now asked them to enforce the judgement as he failed to respond.

I sent two letters to his home address by next day special delivery before going through the courts.

He didn't even collect the letters from the post office, I checked it on the Royal Mail tracking system. His previous texts said "if you go through the court you will get nothing".

I would like to know what the letter says.

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Does anyone know what a letter to the defendant enforcing a judgement says.

I ended up going through the MCOL, and have now asked them to enforce the judgement as he failed to respond.

I sent two letters to his home address by next day special delivery before going through the courts.

He didn't even collect the letters from the post office, I checked it on the Royal Mail tracking system. His previous texts said "if you go through the court you will get nothing".

I would like to know what the letter says.


Problem is the options are limited. If the defendant has no assets and is self employed for instance it can be very hard to get your money.

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Yep if you get a CCJ or something then you can't actually physically make them pay, even sending bailiffs round isn't a sure thing.


The next level is probably a high court writ, although I don't know if you can push them into bankruptcy yourself and take things from there?

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My understanding is that MCOL will be submitting your claim for enforcement to a Local Court and it is that Local Court that will deal with the enforcement from then on, via officers/bailiffs.


I am not sure but I would guess that the next communication to the defendant will be coming from the Enforcement Agents themselves.

There should be a standard template, but I can't help there.

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Watching programs like 'Can't pay? We will take it away' makes it look a sure done deal. But lets not forget they don't show too many of their failures.


Bit like Homes under the hammer. Everyone is a winner on that

program. I don't think.


plus its expensive to go through a high court enforcer / writ and not that easy to get in the first place.


All put on for TV.

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He must have got the enforcement letter today, as he has not 5 minutes ago messaged me asking for bank details to pay.

I was in the second stage of the claim. It isn't that hard to claim, if you get any money at the end is a whole different tv show

Edited by woggle
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