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Mystery ice block identity!

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I have a problem which must be solved before I go mad!!! When out walking in Derbyshire 7 weeks ago we came across a lump of orange/pink tinted clear rock just off the path - similar to quartz - about A4 size. As I like to collect unusual rocks, horseshoes, shells etc to put on the side of our pond we decided to lug it home! I noticed it always appeared wet and even joked it appeared to be 'melting'. Fast forward 5 or 6 weeks and hubby said to me that it appeared to be half its original size. I suggested we poured boiling water on it to test his theory - lo and behold it started to melt and has now - after nearly 8 weeks almost disappeared!!! We can't understand how this has happened - people have suggested it's raw sewage dropped off a plane - it's definitely the right colour but why has it taken 7 weeks to defrost in mild weather? Does anybody have any theories? Surely if it was frozen sewage it would have melted quickly when in earth's atmosphere? Be grateful for any (sensible!) suggestions:confused:

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Planes don't 'eject' toilet waste - the waste is sucked into a holding tank by vacuum where it stays until the plane lands. It cannot deliberately be dumped out during flight, and a leak is apparently unlikely as it would require multiple part failures to happen.


Ice can sometimes drop off the outside of planes though.

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Some kind of hygroscopic mineral salt, I'd wager. When it melts, what's the liquid like?


Just like water really with a bit of gritty stuff in it.


---------- Post added 29-10-2015 at 13:40 ----------


Is it some kind of salt lick for sheep or other livestock possibly?


Don't think so - it looks too watery. Also if it had salt in it wouldn't that make it thaw faster? It's the 7 week thing that's baffling me as much as the identification. There's still a bit left so will try and get photo up-loaded (when kids are around to do it!)

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