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Is the NHS useless?

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From the BBC this morning. Sums up mental health care. What hip ops tell us about mental health care - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34610249


---------- Post added 31-10-2015 at 08:14 ----------


I'm not sure about this.

It's a lobbying document designed to persuade the US to change its healthcare system.

I was hoping it was an academic study.


They don't mention mental health once.


---------- Post added 30-10-2015 at 17:07 ----------



Do these people actually get to be seen by a specialist? We can't get to see one. Is that a cosmetic surgery specialist, or do they actually get to see a psychiatrist?


Ipse dixit eh? No discussion. Just assume that the people in charge now are right.

Do you extend this to anybody else? Should only professional politicians be allowed to vote in elections?


It's not a lobbying report at all, but no i accept it doesn't mention mental health services. Perhaps it should? However it does show that overall we has an exceptional health service and it needs no major changes at all. To fund mental health services more needs either:

- a massive change in spending priorities. A few 'cosmetic' treatments aren't going to cover it

- more funding likely through increased NI

- better efficiency


Clearly I'd like option c. But that appears to be the holy grail.

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Do these people actually get to be seen by a specialist? We can't get to see one. Is that a cosmetic surgery specialist, or do they actually get to see a psychiatrist?


Ipse dixit eh? No discussion. Just assume that the people in charge now are right.

Do you extend this to anybody else? Should only professional politicians be allowed to vote in elections?


You're the one who's making blanket claims about what treatment should and shouldn't be available. I'm afraid I'm going to trust NICE guidelines and qualified psychologists over random guy on the internet. Unless you can actually show some proof of course.

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A bit of insider knowledge - NHS is most wasteful, bureaucratic, ill-managed, overpaid organisation in this country.

Communism at its peak.

Even worse then BBC.


Treatment you get after waiting for months is not meant for you, its meant for non existent average patient made up by statistics.

You don't get examined by a doctor, it's a clerk following guidelines.

Then your treatment is administered according to guidelines by more clerks.

Works for most. Too bad if it won't work for you. Then its a few more months to see a real knowledgeable healthcare professional.


My answer is private treatment abroad.

Cheap and effective.

And you can sometimes claim costs back from NHS.


Insider knowledge indeed. Ha Ha.

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Assuming you are an adult Unbeliever, what about all the good care you must have had since you were born.

Two issues that didn't go your way don't make the whole system bad.


Totally agree. If someone gets good care they hardly mention it, while bad care they want as many people as they can to know.

My friend lives in Guernsey and has to pay for treatment, and medication, so I consider myself lucky to have the NHS.

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Assuming you are an adult Unbeliever, what about all the good care you must have had since you were born.

Two issues that didn't go your way don't make the whole system bad.


Haven't needed it before.

Got taken to the docs a couple of times by my parents when I was a kid. Didn't do anything, but I suppose it was reassuring for them.


First time I've needed them for something serious. They've let me down badly.

Well done NHS. You've turned a life-long supporter into your biggest critic. Hope you're happy.

If I'd saved up all the money the state has taken off me to fund the NHS, I could afford this several times over. They're not helping. I want my money back.

A year ago, if somebody had run for election on a plan to privatise it, I'd have been the first to call them a numpty. Not now.

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Haven't needed it before.

Got taken to the docs a couple of times by my parents when I was a kid. Didn't do anything, but I suppose it was reassuring for them.


First time I've needed them for something serious. They've let me down badly.

Well done NHS. You've turned a life-long supporter into your biggest critic. Hope you're happy.

If I'd saved up all the money the state has taken off me to fund the NHS, I could afford this several times over. They're not helping. I want my money back.

A year ago, if somebody had run for election on a plan to privatise it, I'd have been the first to call them a numpty. Not now.


You believe that adding extra an layers of bureaucracy and forcing the NHS to turn a profit would make your relative's situation any better?


As I said earlier, we want our healthcare to match other countries healthcare without paying the same other countries are willing to pay, so something has to give. Unfortunately as you've found out it's the cinderella services that end up suffering.

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