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Is the NHS useless?

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Though the question occurs to me- given that the total ban on advertising tobacco is so stunningly effective, why do you think that a total ban on advertising harmful foods, won't be?



Because people don't need to smoke, they DO need to eat.


???You do realise that, even if all advertising of food was banned, people would still eat, don't you? Are we so far gone that there's a concern that people might have difficulties eating if there's no ads to tell them to do it?


If so, could you please answer my question above with a relevant reply?


---------- Post added 04-11-2015 at 22:28 ----------


Bit of a rant but,


I can only go by personal experiences and mostly NHS staff have been good to great, but I've been struggling medically since April this year but after dozens of G.P appointments and several hospital appointments, I might've just not bothered for all the polite well mannered staff I have encountered, I've still not actually had any actual treatment.


I ended up in October being fast tracked to be seen by a consultant he immediately told me, I need surgery bilateral orchidectomy but he can not do that until I see an endocrinologist as my testosterone level is just 3 nmol he wrote his report that I urgently see an endocrinologist and sent that to my GP.


I booked to see the report twice only to be told it hadn't arrived both times this went on for 2 weeks. I knew the report was in as two receptionists had confirmed they'd actual read it.....so I made an appointment and finally had in writing what the consultant had told me this was now 3 weeks my GP had it on file.



I:roll: can't get an appointment with a endocrinologist until Dec 22nd therefore no surgery until next year, plus there will also be recovery time to factor in.


I Went to make an appointment with my GP to discuss this, no Appointments available, so I wanted to book with any G.P told not allowed, I must call tomorrow and I can't book at the desk.


In the meantime, I'm not functioning well, certainly not able to work and I don't claim any kind of benefits, l have been spending a lot or time feeling very ill and I don't have any sense that what needs to be done will be done despite knowing what is need, I'm a long way from achieving any well being.


A simple injection of testosterone will improve my health my GP knows it the consultant knows this and told me 6th October that's what I would need. But I can't get an appointment until 22nd December even then I'm likely to be told more tests before treatment can begin.


So its probable that something that could have been diagnosed and treated in April by testosterone replacement, is likely not to be resolved within a year.


Being self-employed it's far from ideal being strung along, I trusted medical professionals that insisted all will be fine one minute saying it's just inflammation then being told 6 months down the line it's more serious, but seems it's not serious enough to actually give me any idea when it'll get treated, however, I have been told I will need hormone replacement treatment for the rest of my life in order to be able to lead a normal life, so since April until at least the 22nd Dec, I'm expected to lead a very un-normal one.


Is the NHS useless NO, but it does sometimes fail people's expectations.

No consolation, but you're far from alone in your experiences.


The tragic thing is that it sounds like the majority of the stress, lack of treatment and damage to your business are completely unnecessary.


They're not the fault of the medical professionals, but a direct consequence of the over-systemization of the NHS, which guarantees that the admin aspect of the NHS, is not-fit-for-purpose.


I'm sure that the various professionals you list above would love to give you the treatment you need, but they are completely tied up by the over-rigid, inflexible requirements of the admin system.

Edited by onewheeldave
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Money is poured into the NHS. I've no idea whether it's enough, but I do think maybe it could be better spent.


Mental health is seriously under par and the care of the elderly is simply not good enough. However I think it's excellent when it comes to emergency care, and is still generally the best system in the world, though it does need some serious tweaking to get it right.

Having been involved with Healhcare in three countries, I would disagree with you. I believe the best is Canada. The cost in the US is high but the quality of care is superb. I've been away from the UK too long, but my cousin contracted colon cancer there because he couldn't get an examination in time to find it. He died.
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Having been involved with Healhcare in three countries, I would disagree with you. I believe the best is Canada. The cost in the US is high but the quality of care is superb. I've been away from the UK too long, but my cousin contracted colon cancer there because he couldn't get an examination in time to find it. He died.


Only if you can afford insurance, or are lucky enough to have it through work. And then there are the deductibles, the charges, the out of pocket expenses.


You can keep it

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I'm actually very, very good with actual logical arguments.


Actually no, you really are not. Otherwise we wouldn't have spent 37 something pages a few months back arguing the toss with you about flashing red lights on a trailer.


You've been asked several times by myself and others to back up your assertion that animal produce is always bad.


Are you going to do so?

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???You do realise that, even if all advertising of food was banned, people would still eat, don't you? Are we so far gone that there's a concern that people might have difficulties eating if there's no ads to tell them to do it?


If so, could you please answer my question above with a relevant reply?


The reply you've ignored where I said that a ban would achieve nothing and so is entirely pointless.

It's down to you to justify the ban, not to me to explain why it shouldn't happen.


---------- Post added 05-11-2015 at 09:32 ----------


Name 3 Formula 1 drivers named after Scottish towns: Stirling Moss, Johnny Dumfries, Ayr Toon Centre ��


---------- Post added 04-11-2015 at 17:09 ----------



That sounds very frustrating. I learned recently that private sector contractors in the NHS are being allowed to use the NHS logo, so you might be offered an appointment by a department on NHS letterhead, attend said appointment and come away thinking you've been seen by an NHS medic when it was in fact a private company. That is so wrong, how are we supposed to compare public and private if private are masquerading as public?


Why are you supposed to be able to compare them?


It's not wrong at all. I've had 2 scans a minor operation, all done at private hospitals through the NHS. They subcontract out the procedures to Drs who also work for the NHS, I don't care that the particular facility was privately owned.

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The reply you've ignored where I said that a ban would achieve nothing and so is entirely pointless.

It's down to you to justify the ban, not to me to explain why it shouldn't happen.


---------- Post added 05-11-2015 at 09:32 ----------



Why are you supposed to be able to compare them?


It's not wrong at all. I've had 2 scans a minor operation, all done at private hospitals through the NHS. They subcontract out the procedures to Drs who also work for the NHS, I don't care that the particular facility was privately owned.


Except the cost to the tax payer for that operation is likely higher than if it was done in an NHS hospital. Chicken and egg though isn't it? We need more hospitals and surgeries to cope with growing demand but they take time and money to build, so in the interim we have to fund private hospitals taking NHS patients, which means there now isn't enough money to build the new hospitals! :(

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They're not the fault of the medical professionals, but a direct consequence of the over-systemization of the NHS, which guarantees that the admin aspect of the NHS, is not-fit-for-purpose.


I'm sure that the various professionals you list above would love to give you the treatment you need, but they are completely tied up by the over-rigid, inflexible requirements of the admin system.


I guess it's largely down due process, admin policy but it still too long a process in my case, it's the going no where fast that's been the major problem having to attend pointless appointments time after time, yesterday's stand off with a receptionist who can't make appointments and the need to phone in for one if I wanted to see a GP, through to the hospital appointments phone operator saying I can't see the endocrinologist until late December.


Below is the summary of how its panning out so far.



in my case I'm greatful having been seen by an oncologist on the 6th Oct despite indicating, he thought it not to be tumours, he diagnosed complete testes failure and was certain to remove one or both testicles depending of blood results and his report confirm both have failed, which came as quite a bombshell to me as for 7 months I'd been told all is ok.


so from that point to me the specialist clock On 6th October started ticking, he can't do what he wants until an endocrinologist clock starts and treatment plan put into action, so his clock has now been paused with no indication of when it will restart only that it won't be soon.


The endocrinologist clock doesn't start until 22nd of December, I have no idea of the process. So also have no idea when the 6th of October clock will resume.


I guess I need to hope that once the endocrinologist has done their bit that the oncologist will have time frame for surgery, I can see this being dragged well into the new year.


Having started my own clock 8 months ago it hasn't stopped, I've reached a real breaking point, as the level of testosterone I have is less than a quarter of an average 90 year old, unfortunately the reality is my clock now runs on cheap zinc batteries and health professionals are making me wait for the duracell bunny to hop by in 2016.

Edited by steve68
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I guess it's largely down due process, admin policy but it still too long a process in my case, it's the going no where fast that's been the major problem having to attend pointless appointments time after time, yesterday's stand off with a receptionist who can't make appointments and the need to phone in for one if I wanted to see a GP, through to the hospital appointments phone operator saying I can't see the endocrinologist until late December.


Below is the summary of how its panning out so far.



in my case I'm greatful having been seen by an oncologist on the 6th Oct despite indicating, he thought it not to be tumours, he diagnosed complete testes failure and was certain to remove one or both testicles depending of blood results and his report confirm both have failed, which came as quite a bombshell to me as for 7 months I'd been told all is ok.


so from that point to me the specialist clock On 6th October started ticking, he can't do what he wants until an endocrinologist clock starts and treatment plan put into action, so his clock has now been paused with no indication of when it will restart only that it won't be soon.


The endocrinologist clock doesn't start until 22nd of December, I have no idea of the process. So also have no idea when the 6th of October clock will resume.


I guess I need to hope that once the endocrinologist has done their bit that the oncologist will have time frame for surgery, I can see this being dragged well into the new year.


Having started my own clock 8 months ago it hasn't stopped, I've reached a real breaking point, as the level of testosterone I have is less than a quarter of an average 90 year old, unfortunately the reality is my clock now runs on cheap zinc batteries and health professionals are making me wait for the duracell bunny to hop by in 2016.


Hope things get moving asap for you, it sounds exasperating. Unless you are 360 years old! :) Good luck

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