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Is the NHS useless?

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But what about that waitress who served you the other night? She doesn't have health insurance through her employer. What happens to her when she is in a car crash? Or get cataracts?
How do you know what she has? Talk sense.
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As I'm autistic, have got memory issues, and, have been addressing lots of questions in this 19 page thread, I would ask that you select one of your questions and re-present it here.


If that happens, I will either address your question, or, if not, give reasons why not.


It's funny how you can remember everything on the trailer lighting thread isn't it but not on this. I wonder why....


The posts are available for looking at.

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I think there is marked difference in the opinion of people that dip in for treatment on the NHS and those who are longer term users that feel they suffer delays, barring the exceptions where things go totally wrong.


I've had a couple of emegency A&E visits as a walk in patient, both times after being accessed by the Triage Nurse, I was bumped straight in to treatment rooms avoiding the 4 hour wait


I cant fault the emergency treatment I recieved last year, when I needed emegency surgery at the Hallamshire, I spent just under a week, food was great all staff excellent.


but as a long term user of clinics, it easy to see and understand peoples negative thoughts.


The last clinic I attended, they always check height weight and blood pressure pior to seeing the Dr or Nurse.


Three nurses chatting about Shoes and their weekend shopping one was showing the others her new comfty work shoes whist she did my Blood pressure i saw 148/96 the nurse wrote 142/62 intrestingly the price of her shoes had been £42 reduced from £62 now thats fine, but looking at some of the people in clinic they wouldn't have noticed it and that would then be passed on to the consultant or lead nurse taking the appointment.


Last year I had an issue with a big toenail, diabetic ulcer, the Hospital dibetic clinic talked me through best option, which was to remove the nail, and to use a silver nitrate dressing, and that kill the nail bed and end anychance of it happing again, That message was lost on the last person somehow only put a plain dressing over the toe, hence the problem has reoccurred last week I had see the podiatrist to remove 3/4 of the nail and 2/3 the of another.


I know the clinics are run well for the overal operation of the Dept. but mistakes do happen in a 2 hour simple case of my nail problem, I saw 4 different members of staff it was like a game of chinese whispers obviously by the time it got down to the last person things had lost some meaning.


I've just learned the NHS make mistakes, like the rest of us it happens, I think its understandable when people react badly no one is 100% perfect and the NHS is no different, so as much as I'd like to praise the NHS I acknowledge its not perfect and that others have the right to feel hurt and critise it.


I'll be having a very interesting chat with my GP this week, not for any other reason other than to let them, know how I feel things have gone for me and are going for me currently, and a few things they might like to review.

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I'm not rich, but I earn enough that I'm paying significantly more total tax than the national average. We're making our contribution and we've always been content to do it. I like the idea that people no matter what their status have access to healthcare, and I've always supported it even though I know I'd be paying a lot less tax without it.


I'm starting this thread because I'm extremely angry that whenever my family needs healthcare it's either not available on the NHS so we have to pay ourselves, or the NHS charges for it.

What the hell! What on earth have I been paying for all these years?


I have a family member with asthma. We have to pay £17/month so that somebody I love can have £6/month worth of medication to keep them alive.


I have a family member with a serious mental health problem. Just forked out almost £400 for 90 mins with a psychiatrist because the NHS won't help. Maybe an under-qualified counsellor in a matter of months or a GP without a clue as to what they're doing will hand out some pills, which we have to pay for again, which are more likely to worsen the problem.


I can barely afford to pay the healthcare costs for my family. A big part of this is that I'm paying massive taxes for a compulsory healthcare program, which itself then charges me again when I try and use it, or just flat out doesn't cover my family's medical needs. What on earth is going on?


I'm frankly fed up with it. I give up. Shut down the NHS. I'll have my taxes back. Then I'll be able to afford the healthcare my family needs and buy food at the same time.



My Bold..............


After having quite a good job & paying my taxes (loads of them), then being demonised and belittled by the same "system" which happily took them from me when I was made redundant through no fault of my own....


I completely understand where you are coming from.


But I guess it was my own fault for buying a "Big Telly" whilst I was working & wanting to keep it eh?

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