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Is the NHS useless?

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It all comes down to what metrics you choose to use.



Also, how do you account for the number of people who ended up dead by one means or another whilst waiting for treatment?



That is ONE part of our entire healthcare system and as my mother died of cancer a few months an area I'd love to see improved, but that doesn't make the NHS useless in any way shape or form. Her care was exceptional, but they couldn't cure her.

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Interesting link that, and it certainly adds to the debate don't you think?


Researchers say the main reason for low survival rates in the UK seems to be delayed diagnosis, underuse of successful treatments and unequal access to treatment, particularly among elderly people.


However, patient factors are not accounted for, such as the level of smoking, alcohol misuse and poor diet in the UK.


It could be the case that poor cancer care in the UK is not solely to blame for the below average cancer survival rates, but may also be related to the factors listed above.


So it looks like the issue would be solved by better funding and change in society's behaviour.

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So after that load of ********, heres a link that proves you are wrong. Bye bye.




NHS proven by independent research to be the best healthcare system in the world. Admittedly it doesn't review Cuba which is meant to be excellent too, oh and Communist.


The Nhs isn't very efficient though - although it never has been. I was reading an article explaining how there had been enquiry after enquiry from its inception on how to make the Nhs better. i think the biggest problem though is us. We go to A&E because we can't go to the doctors because the doctors surgery is full of people who could go to a pharmacy.


The Nhs needs more cash but the public need to educated (as do a lot of the staff, particularly the administrators)

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That is ONE part of our entire healthcare system and as my mother died of cancer a few months an area I'd love to see improved, but that doesn't make the NHS useless in any way shape or form. Her care was exceptional, but they couldn't cure her.


My condolences.


People die of cancer everywhere. If you develop cancer in the UK, you're more likely to die from it that in most of the developed world.

This is most likely down to waiting times. Some conditions remain equally treatable months after they appear. The survival probability for cancer tends to drop each day you're kept waiting for treatment.

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Ok, so if we're going to understand the size the problem that you're suggesting. How much "plastic surgery" is reconstructive and how much is cosmetic?


I never mentioned plastic surgery. I specified cosmetic. I made it quite clear that I have no problem with reconstructive or corrective surgery.

I just said it was a place to start. I don't know the total cost per year for cosmetic. Perhaps somebody else does.

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Money is poured into the NHS. I've no idea whether it's enough, but I do think maybe it could be better spent.


Mental health is seriously under par and the care of the elderly is simply not good enough. However I think it's excellent when it comes to emergency care, and is still generally the best system in the world, though it does need some serious tweaking to get it right.


I think that you should be running the country, Anna B. Your posts make a refreshing amount of sense in an otherwise slightly ranty world.


S x

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I never mentioned plastic surgery. I specified cosmetic. I made it quite clear that I have no problem with reconstructive or corrective surgery.

I just said it was a place to start. I don't know the total cost per year for cosmetic. Perhaps somebody else does.


My suggestion is that the NHS performs little cosmetic surgery, and of all the problems that NHS faces it's way down the list.

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The Nhs isn't very efficient though - although it never has been. I was reading an article explaining how there had been enquiry after enquiry from its inception on how to make the Nhs better. i think the biggest problem though is us. We go to A&E because we can't go to the doctors because the doctors surgery is full of people who could go to a pharmacy.


Many medicines available from straight from pharmacies elsewhere in the world require a visit to the GP here. Patients are often required in the UK to go to the GP regularly for repeat prescriptions such as Asthma meds, the pill, etc etc. The medications involved have no recreational value and are very low risk.

That's surely the NHS creating work for itself.

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