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Free Parking in Hospitals for carers

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So when my shift ends at 22.00hrs (often later)and my next shift the following day begins at 07.00hrs you think it's unreasonable that I use my car ?

I live 8 miles from the NGH.

What is a 'shift consultant'?


Where have a said at all that I think its "unreasonable" to use your car. I have said quite clearly that if YOU don't want to pay for parking, then you find an alternative.


Its not impossible to get to work some other way, even shift workers. Lots of other people manage it.


You can CHOOSE to drive if you want, I have no issue with that but why do you think you deserve free parking over anyone else?


To clarify, I don't literally mean a "shift consultant" I mean that there will be consultants on shifts during the day+night just like other medical and non medical staff. They will not ALL be at home "on call" and needing to jump in their cars at any moment.


The point is simple. Land is not infinite. Car parking spaces are not infinite. We can argue till the cows come home, but you are not going to be convince me that EVERY member of staff NEEDS to have their car and thus must have a free parking space. If someone CHOOSES that they don't want to pay for parking, then they need to find an alternative. That's their choice and their choice alone.


In my job, I could personally get the bus or train to work. However I CHOOSE to drive in and my sacrifice for that choice is that a I pay the relevant charge. Simple.

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I have stated many times on SF that I pay for a staff parking permit which doesn't guarantee me a parking space. If there isn't a staff parking space available I have to pay and display like everyone else.

I disagree that to drive my car to work is a choice - if I used public transport with my current shift system i estimate I would get approximately 4 and a half hours sleep between shifts. I doubt anyone would wish themselves or a loved one to be cared for by a nurse who has had so little sleep. Driving my car to work to ensure I have sufficient sleep between shifts to ensure patient safety is a necessity - being able to park within the NGH grounds in a staff parking space having paid monthly for a permit is a bonus.

At no time have I said that every staff member needs to drive their car to NGH and park there - totally the opposite. If those staff members who COULD use public transport to get to work did so (especially those working office hours) there would be ample parking spaces for those of us who don't have a choice.

Edited by Daven
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There are thousands of employees across the city who have to pay for parking every day. there are thousands of employees across the city whl have no parking at all at their workplace.

The vast majority of jobs across the city don't involve start/finish times when public transport is limited or offline for the night, often hospital staff have to park in isolated spots and walk a potentially dangerous journey to get to work in the middle of the night.

The vast majority of employees across the city don't save people's lives. Any hindrances, delays or obstacles can potentially cost lives.

Those nurses, midwives etc CHOOSE to drive to work so they should pay like everyone else. Why would being a nhs employee make you more special over any other. car parking is limited and quite rightly should be chargeable.


The same argument could be applied to the carers that this thread is about.

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This is all a needless debate as to how to solve a completely artificial problem.

The supply of parking in the city is wilfully constrained by policy.

There's nothing to prevent the provision of adequate parking using multi-storeys.

If this was done, there would be no need to haggle over priorities for parking, there'd be enough for everybody at a far more reasonable price.

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