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Shaker Aamer £1m Compo

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The only thing I raise an eyebrow over is that he has decided to remain in the UK after claiming MI5 tortured him. I'm not sure I'd want to stay in a country where people tortured me, then again his only real other option is Saudi Arabia so perhaps I can see why he's opted to stay here after all...

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The only thing I raise an eyebrow over is that he has decided to remain in the UK after claiming MI5 tortured him. I'm not sure I'd want to stay in a country where people tortured me, then again his only real other option is Saudi Arabia so perhaps I can see why he's opted to stay here after all...


I still think there are qyestion marks over him but no evidence. If a judge isnt persuaded, then I hope he gets paid nothing.

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Whilst I understand that it isn't an original slogan, your point is undermined by having "this machine kills facists" makes the above post seem somewhat hypocritical.


Really? Perhaps you should


a) read up about the origin and meaning of the slogan


b) be bright enough to realise that it isn't actually advocating murder.

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The only thing I raise an eyebrow over is that he has decided to remain in the UK after claiming MI5 tortured him. I'm not sure I'd want to stay in a country where people tortured me, then again his only real other option is Saudi Arabia so perhaps I can see why he's opted to stay here after all...


The compensation claim and Britain's generous benefit system which members of his family have benefited from more than likely tipped the scales in favour of Britain . However , he should not have had any choice and should have returned to his native Saudi Arabia .

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It's a fair comment . The disposal of Osama Bin Laden rather than capturing him alive avoided the problem of what to do with him .


Can we use proper terminology please? It wasn't 'disposal'. It was a killing.


Shaker Aamer has only himself to blame for a wife being deprived of her husband and children of their father for so many years . The Americans still claim they have plenty of evidence that Shaker Aamer was an enemy combatant and the fact he was not charged does not signify anything .


Oh, he locked himself up for thirteen years did he?

The Americans claim they have plenty of evidence? The fact that he wasn't charge most definitely signifies something - that the Americans are either liars, or grossly incomptent.


It's a disgrace our Government have allowed this Saudi Arabian citizen to return to Britain when so many British soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan and the war against Muslim terrorists is far from over .


If it wasn't for the fact that there's no link whatsoever between Mr Aamer and the deaths of British soldiers, you might have a point. But there isn't and you look silly pretending there was.

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Maybe the British govt had its sticky fingers involved somewhere along the line in his detention and now wants to keep him quiet?

Maybe is not substantiating anything


---------- Post added 06-11-2015 at 20:01 ----------


If it wasn't for the fact that there's no link whatsoever between Mr Aamer and the deaths of British soldiers, you might have a point. But there isn't and you look silly pretending there was.

So why was he travelling to a terrorist war zone on a bogus passport claiming to be working for a none existent charity.

But even more so he's not a British citizen so why should we entertain him?


---------- Post added 06-11-2015 at 20:03 ----------


If it wasn't for the fact that there's no link whatsoever between Mr Aamer and the deaths of British soldiers, you might have a point. But there isn't and you look silly pretending there was.

Are you for real you don't know how many he did or didn't, you don't have to pull the trigger to be responsible for killing someone.:loopy:


---------- Post added 06-11-2015 at 20:05 ----------


The only thing I raise an eyebrow over is that he has decided to remain in the UK after claiming MI5 tortured him. I'm not sure I'd want to stay in a country where people tortured me, then again his only real other option is Saudi Arabia so perhaps I can see why he's opted to stay here after all...

He shouldn't have been allowed back in he should have gone to his own country.

Edited by James Stone
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If Mr Aamer was a killer they'd have charged him. Innocent man.



The poster clearly stated you don't have to pull the trigger to be responsible for killing someone . At the time Mr Aamer was in Afghanistan, Muslim Terrorists were training and planning attacks on western targets including Britain from this country. The Americans concluded that Mr Aamer was a member of the enemy in the on going War on Terror . As already stated the Americans continue to claim they have plenty of evidence Mr Aamer was an enemy combatant while all Mr Aamer had was a fake Belgium passport to support his claim he was doing charity work for an unnamed charity .


The War on Terror is still not over, so any release of enemy prisoners should be treated as a good will gesture and not an excuse for foreign terrorist to get compensation from UK tax payers or live in Britain .


It makes common sense to me to detain terrorists before they murder innocent people . Some people seem to forget Britain along with other countries are still fighting the War on Terror and it is a mystery to me why some people are quick to take the terrorists side instead of the side of those doing hard work in dangerous times trying to protect us all .

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If Mr Aamer was a killer they'd have charged him. Innocent man.


They wouldn't have charged him if it meant they'd be exposed as being complicit in illegal detentions and torture. A million pounds of the taxpayers money and letting a guilty man go is most certainly a price they would pay.


What we have here is, on one hand, a man who it is claimed was caught in Taliban controlled Afghanistan, with a fake passport and working for a charity that is reported to be a cover for an organisation supporting Islamic extremism. On the other hand, we have a government being accused of being complicit in the man's illegal detention and torture. Both parties are accused of actions that the public should be concerned about and yet we allow those parties to go behind closes doors and strike a secret deal where both parties drop the claims against each other. Please tell me how such an extrajudicial process can possibly be in the public interest and how anyone can have any confidence that either party is innocent? It simply makes me believe that both parties are guilty.

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