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Shaker Aamer £1m Compo

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Non British citizens are free to take the government to court, what's your problem with that?


What is your complaint at all?


If he shouldn't be in the UK, we have laws to deal with that.

If he's committed a crime, we have laws to deal with that.

ANYONE can take the government to court, that's how the legal system works.


So what is your complaint?

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This illegal traveller is nothing to do with the UK, end of.

He is a Saudi Arabian citizen why do you keep on about fair trials and false imprisonment.

He is not British Citizen end of!


So are you suggesting that "foreigners" shouldn't be able to hold our government to account if they do anything wrong?

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James Stone - whilst he is not a UK citizen, his family are. The ECHR considers the right to family life as a human right. For some strange reason, this has been taken to mean a right to life in the country that the children are from.


There is a very real possibility that the UK has been involved in torture as well as rendition flights. Now I understand that sometimes the need to do bad things presents itself (had we lost world war two then we would have been found guilty of some quite atrocious war crimes), but it is all about perception. The UK can't be seen to be as bad as the "baddies", it would damage our international reputation.


To those quoting UK law, please stop. UK law has no relevance in this situation .


Mafya is right with regards to the accuracy of the intelligence. We will never know the truth. Even if the intelligence services know the truth, which is unlikely, they won't share it with us. I suppose we're you sit with regards to your opinions on this subject boil down to whether or not you trust our security services.


£1 million is nothing to keep him quiet. He either needs that or a bullet, I dint really care which one.

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This illegal traveller is nothing to do with the UK, end of.

He is a Saudi Arabian citizen why do you keep on about fair trials and false imprisonment.

He is not British Citizen end of!


Why do you keep saying this, its though you are stuck in a loop. How can you not understand what his complaint is and why it is being made against the UK government?


You are completely irrational. Its like youve stuck your fingers in your ear and just keep spoiting nothing to do with us, when ofc MI5 have potentially made it something to do with us.


Anyway you carry on repeating it to yourself James and the authorities will still listen to his claim. Dont become a lawyer.

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Why do you keep saying this, its though you are stuck in a loop. How can you not understand what his complaint is and why it is being made against the UK government?


You are completely irrational. Its like youve stuck your fingers in your ear and just keep spoiting nothing to do with us, when ofc MI5 have potentially made it something to do with us.


Anyway you carry on repeating it to yourself James and the authorities will still listen to his claim. Dont become a lawyer.

I'm not like a dustbin who'll take owt in!

The only word of UK involvement in his torture is that of an illegal traveller who travelled on a false passport on a false pretext.

And you'd take his word?:loopy:


PS he is nothing to do with the UK, end of.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:45 ----------


So are you suggesting that "foreigners" shouldn't be able to hold our government to account if they do anything wrong?


Who did anything wrong?


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:46 ----------


So the enemy has been released?

The US released him he should have been shipped direct the Saudi Arabia.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:48 ----------


I've never seen anyone one here siding with terrorists.

But you're siding with a criminal travelling on a false passport for a fairy tale reason into a war zone

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I really don't know, and in the context of his claim for compensation it's irrelevant.


It's a bit like trying to blame a woman for being raped. He's been held without charge for 13 years - which is completely out of order - and should be compensated.

Of course its not irrelevant, why was he travelling on a false passport into a terrorist war zone for a bogus reason.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:52 ----------


Let him get his legal aid from Saudi - see how that works out...

He should have gone to Saudi Arabia in the first place with his family shipped out to join him.

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I'm not like a dustbin who'll take owt in!

The only word of UK involvement in his torture is that of an illegal traveller who travelled on a false passport on a false pretext.

And you'd take his word?:loopy:


PS he is nothing to do with the UK, end of.


Except his case is against the UK govt and the alleged torture he has suffered by agents of the UK government in the form of MI5. His nationality is irrelevant. If someone does you harm, then you make a claim against that person or their relevant employer becayse they are responsible.


Its not for me to take his word its for the lawyers, the DPP, the govt and the courts to evaluate what evidence is provided and let the legal system run its course.


Whether he was on a false passport or not has nothing to do with whether he was tortured or not, they are separate issues. You are completely irrational James. Ive had to explain it to you multiple times, but you seem to have difficulty understanding.


Fortunately the people that matter understand what the relevant issues are and thats why they will be reviewing the claim and the evidence.

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So are you suggesting that "foreigners" shouldn't be able to hold our government to account if they do anything wrong?


And you think that we should be wasting time on a none british illegal traveller who left his family for the British to support and who because of people with your strange views will no doubt be once again living on UK benefits.

The mind boggles.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:59 ----------


Except his case is against the UK govt and the alleged torture he has suffered by agents of the UK government in the form of MI5. His nationality is irrelevant. If someone does you harm, then you make a claim against that person or their relevant employer becayse they are responsible..

Why isn't his own government taking up his far fetched so called case?

The Saudis are deafening by their silence, they're no doubt just sat there laughing at idiots dustbins in this country who'll take owt in.

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And you think that we should be wasting time on a none british illegal traveller who left his family for the British to support and who because of people with your strange views will no doubt be once again living on UK benefits.

The mind boggles.


This is it james when you are asked a direct question you dont actually answer it.


When you ask a question people answer your question directly, which you then seem unable to comprehend or just ignore, then go back and ask the same question again etc.


Whether or not he was on a false passport is irrelevant for the issue of whether he was tortured or not.


His nationality is also irrelevant as he needs to claim against the people who he alleges wronged/tortured him. This is such a basic thing even a small child would be able to see the logic of it, but you cant seem to accept it.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 20:05 ----------


Why isn't his own government taking up his far fetched so called case?

The Saudis are deafening by their silence, they're no doubt just sat there laughing at idiots dustbins in this country who'll take owt in.


Because they arent the one he claims carried out the torture.


If you went on holiday to the USA and were beaten up by the police over there you wouldnt come back and sue the UK government, you would be making your claim against the people who did you the wrong.

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