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Shaker Aamer £1m Compo

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And you think that we should be wasting time on a none british illegal traveller who left his family for the British to support and who because of people with your strange views will no doubt be once again living on UK benefits.

The mind boggles.


Shaker Aamer has claimed that the governments actions have been above the law and they've cause him harm. It's up to to the courts to decide if this has been the case. It's how our legal system works, it's part of our fine traditions.


I'm not defending Shaker Aamer, I'm defending our legal principles. I do not want to live in a country where the government can act above the law without any fear of the consequences.


Your anger should be directed at the government of the day, who's actions stopped Shaker Aamer facing any legal consequences of his behaviour.

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Except his case is against the UK govt and the alleged torture he has suffered by agents of the UK government in the form of MI5. His nationality is irrelevant. If someone does you harm, then you make a claim against that person or their relevant employer becayse they are responsible.


Its not for me to take his word its for the lawyers, the DPP, the govt and the courts to evaluate what evidence is provided and let the legal system run its course.


Whether he was on a false passport or not has nothing to do with whether he was tortured or not, they are separate issues. You are completely irrational James. Ive had to explain it to you multiple times, but you seem to have difficulty understanding.


Fortunately the people that matter understand what the relevant issues are and thats why they will be reviewing the claim and the evidence.


So the best way for ISIS to bring the UK to its knees is for every member of ISIS to sue the British government, even if they all loose the court costs will bankrupt the country. I'm sure there must be millions of people around the world that have a better claim against the UK, so lets fly them all in on private jets and help them to sue us into bankruptcy.

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---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 20:05 ----------




Because they arent the one he claims carried out the torture.


If you went on holiday to the USA and were beaten up by the police over there you wouldnt come back and sue the UK government, you would be making your claim against the people who did you the wrong.


Isn't that similar to what Shaker is doing even though he is not a UK citizen ? It was the Americans who captured Shaker and who carried out any interrogation techniques so why doesn't he sue them first before robbing UK taxpayers ?

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"There are multiple reasons why Aamer cannot be charged in court.

The US has assessed Aamer to have been active in a combat zone in Afghanistan. As part of the

international law of war, armies can remove unlawful combatants from the battlefield; yet, intelligence

and military operatives’ primary focus is preventing the enemy combatant from continuing to fight – not

conducting criminal investigations or finding evidence suitable for court. Evidence would have to have

been collected from the potential crime scene (for example, a cave in Afghanistan), and, as former CIA

Director Michael Hayden has said, it is not practical to “turn the American armed forces or the C.I.A.

into C.S.I. Miami or C.S.I. Kandahar, or C.S.I. Jalalabad or C.S.I. Peshawar in order to build up that

kind of evidence”.


William Lietzau, former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Detainee Policy, has explained

this in the following way:

f you could graduate from a Taliban boot camp of course you can’t be prosecuted for

anything, you haven’t done anything, you’re only a graduate. But if you were captured in war, of

course you wouldn’t release that person, they’re still the enemy, they still want to fight you, they

still want to kill you […] So, you wouldn’t release them but on the other hand you can’t

criminally prosecute them.

As Lietzau has outlined in reference to Afghanistan, detention is not “because [combatants] have

committed some criminal offence that we want to punish them for, but because they are the enemy.”32"



Thank you for posting that link . No reasonable person should have any doubt after reading the link that this Saudi Arabian citizen should not be living in the UK .

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I'm not like a dustbin who'll take owt in!

The only word of UK involvement in his torture is that of an illegal traveller who travelled on a false passport on a false pretext.

And you'd take his word?:loopy:


Nobody is siding with him.


We just think that like everyone else, he should be free to take legal action for his illegal 13 year detainment.

It's like we believe the rule of law should apply to everyone equally or something equally unusual. :suspect:


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 21:48 ----------


So the best way for ISIS to bring the UK to its knees is for every member of ISIS to sue the British government, even if they all loose the court costs will bankrupt the country. I'm sure there must be millions of people around the world that have a better claim against the UK, so lets fly them all in on private jets and help them to sue us into bankruptcy.


Have we illegally detained every member of ISIS? Because if so, I'd say that we'd already won.


Or did you imagine that they'd sue for something else?


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 21:49 ----------



Who did anything wrong?


If the allegations are true then the British state did. So let him try to prove it in court... :roll:


Are you scared that he'd win?

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Isn't that similar to what Shaker is doing even though he is not a UK citizen ? It was the Americans who captured Shaker and who carried out any interrogation techniques so why doesn't he sue them first before robbing UK taxpayers ?


He is. Ive explained this at least 5 times on the thread, there will be a seprate claim against the US.

He can only sue the UK govt for things he claims the UK govt have done.


We dont know what his full case is, but its going to be more based around the UK perpetrating torture as well as being complicit in his imprisonment. If theres a trial then all this can be tested in court and we can see more clearly what his case is and the extent of the evidence. He might have convincing ebidence or he might have nothing. Its for the court to decide.


Theres a very interesting case thats being heard before the Supreme Court thats just started and has taken years to get where it is. It covers many of the issues about behaviour of the UK government and whether they can be sued.




---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 22:15 ----------


Thank you for posting that link . No reasonable person should have any doubt after reading the link that this Saudi Arabian citizen should not be living in the UK .


Well you can post it to the UK government and demand his deportation forthwith.


You might also wnat to look at the Henry Jackson Society. I'm happy to leave it to the courts to sort out.

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---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 22:15 ----------




Well you can post it to the UK government and demand his deportation forthwith.


You might also wnat to look at the Henry Jackson Society. I'm happy to leave it to the courts to sort out.


I don't think the Henry Jackson Society is on the United Nations 'Black List' unlike the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society Charity which our friend Shaker has links to .

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