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Shaker Aamer £1m Compo

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And if your suspicions are incorrect, then he's innocent and he didnt deserve it.

To prove anything you require evidence, which would then lead to a conviction. Without that he's innocent till proven guilty because thats how things work in the UK.


But it didnt happen in the UK. How difficult is this to understand?

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Was he held in this country and by our government?


The claims he is making refer to actions carried out by the UK government in terms of complicity and actual carrying out of torture. Whether they are true is for a court to decide. If he has evidence then he has a right to put that forward and have it considered.

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But it didnt happen in the UK. How difficult is this to understand?


As ive already repeated below it doesnt matter that his custody was in Guantanomo, the claim relates to alleged involvement by the UK government in acts of complcity and actual torture. You obviously dont appreciate that illegal acts carried out extraterritorially can be heard in British courts if the judiciary decide there is enough reason to hear them. In the case of potentially seriously illegal acts by the UK government then that will almost certainly be yes. You obviously dont appreciate this.

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As ive already repeated below it doesnt matter that his custody was in Guantanomo, the claim relates to alleged involvement by the UK government in acts of complcity and actual torture. You obviously dont appreciate that illegal acts carried out extraterritorially can be heard in British courts if the judiciary decide there is enough reason to hear them. In the case of potentially seriously illegal acts by the UK government then that will almost certainly be yes. You obviously dont appreciate this.


If you're going to carry on I suggest one of these,


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If you're going to carry on I suggest one of these,



Not really, its just you lot who fail to understand the legal issues involved. If you want to respond with some rational and reasoned answers then im happy to listen.


If agents of the UK government do illegal acts, then one of the places they can be brought to account is before the UK justice system.


The people making the decisions including the lawyers, the DPP, the courts and the government understand this. He has a right to be heard, but he still has to prove his case.

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As ive already repeated below it doesnt matter that his custody was in Guantanomo, the claim relates to alleged involvement by the UK government in acts of complcity and actual torture. You obviously dont appreciate that illegal acts carried out extraterritorially can be heard in British courts if the judiciary decide there is enough reason to hear them. In the case of potentially seriously illegal acts by the UK government then that will almost certainly be yes. You obviously dont appreciate this.


Guantanomo?? Wheres that?


These allegations were when shakapoo was interred at Guantanamo, under a scheme of war. A war that is still ongoing, but not in the sense of one country against another. No, this is a secret war where one side is using covert actions in all it's strikes, then popping up later claiming responsibility. The countries affected by this are all of us. We dont know where they will strike next because we dont know who or where they are. That is when intelligence is our most trusted weapon, and when shagadoodle was captured, the motive evidence was credible.

I do appreciate law is law, wherever a misdemeanor is alleged, but terrorism on this scale needs nipping in the bud whenever there is doubt, and shatadumpface was clearly a threat and was caged accordingly. The fact he is claiming torture against the UK government speaks volumes as to why he isn't doing the same with America, because he knows the UK is as soft as crap when it comes to a minority claiming compensation, and he knows full well the yanks would send him packing. After all, he's British, isnt he???

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Guantanomo?? Wheres that?


These allegations were when shakapoo was interred at Guantanamo, under a scheme of war. A war that is still ongoing, but not in the sense of one country against another. No, this is a secret war where one side is using covert actions in all it's strikes, then popping up later claiming responsibility. The countries affected by this are all of us. We dont know where they will strike next because we dont know who or where they are. That is when intelligence is our most trusted weapon, and when shagadoodle was captured, the motive evidence was credible.

I do appreciate law is law, wherever a misdemeanor is alleged, but terrorism on this scale needs nipping in the bud whenever there is doubt, and shatadumpface was clearly a threat and was caged accordingly. The fact he is claiming torture against the UK government speaks volumes as to why he isn't doing the same with America, because he knows the UK is as soft as crap when it comes to a minority claiming compensation, and he knows full well the yanks would send him packing. After all, he's British, isnt he???


He will be making a claim against the US he says.


It doesnt matter if it wasnt in the UK if the courts decide they have jurisdiction then they will hear the case. You might not like it, but they decide not you. He still has to prove his case. If you exist to uphold the law then you cant go around breaking it at will.

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He will be making a claim against the US he says.


It doesnt matter if it wasnt in the UK if the courts decide they have jurisdiction then they will hear the case. You might not like it, but they decide not you. He still has to prove his case. If you exist to uphold the law then you cant go around breaking it at will.


Ha ha, that is really amusing.!!!!!:hihi::hihi::hihi:

He has spouted up he may try and sue the US, but he has also said he knows he wont win, so he would accept an apology!!! What a guy!!

He knows previous detainees have had a few quid from various sources, so now it's his go. And who was it that got compo??? Oh yes, it was his old pal Begg. A million quid I heard. Could that be the same Begg who had his passport confiscated a few months after his payout?? I wonder why the British government did that, as he was supposed to be innocent just like old Shakkers. Its hard to get much information about it because towd shakkers is keeping himself very private, and the media seem to have gone quiet too.

Motive, motive and more motive.

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