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Shaker Aamer £1m Compo

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Have brought this up considering what's happened in Mosul,this guy got 1million quid for being detained falsely in Guantanamo bay,he's now blown himself up being a suicide bomber.

Maybe his lawyer should tell us why he/she defended him and got him his compo.

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I've not read the full story, but maybe he was originally innocent, and being incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay turned him?


That's a possibility. It's one of those where both sides will claim utterly different stances.


Authoritarians will say it proves the purpose of Guantanamo as holding dangerous people

Libertarians will say it proves that Guantanamo creates terrorists but treating them inhumanely


Neither side will ever really know the truth but I expect many, many pages of arguments regardless.

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Have brought this up considering what's happened in Mosul,this guy got 1million quid for being detained falsely in Guantanamo bay,he's now blown himself up being a suicide bomber.

Maybe his lawyer should tell us why he/she defended him and got him his compo.



Why should his lawyer tell us anything?


If the Govt had done its job properly in the first place and not "falsely detained" him he would not have had a case would he?


Your asking the wrong person the wrong question.

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Why should his lawyer tell us anything?


If the Govt had done its job properly in the first place and not "falsely detained" him he would not have had a case would he?


Your asking the wrong person the wrong question.


His lawyer said he wasn't a danger to society,he was picked up in Afghanistan and has been on the watch pits from 1992,not only his lawyer needs asking but so does the Governent.

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His lawyer said he wasn't a danger to society,he was picked up in Afghanistan and has been on the watch pits from 1992,not only his lawyer needs asking but so does the Governent.


Nope - his lawyer simply acted on his instructions from his client - thats what lawyers do you know.


You are however correct to ask what the government was doing paying out when it seems fairly obvious that the security services knew a very great deal about him but for whatever reasons the Govt did not want the activities of its security services getting out (possibly because what they were upto was not authorised and not lawful)


More questions to follow for those who made decisions at the time.

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