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Biffa Lorry Waking People Up before 7am in a Residential Area.

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Hello everyone,

A Biffa front loader is waking people up on our street often just after 5am in the morning.

I have been contacting Biffa in High Wycombe since Summer and they say they shouldn't be in a residential area before 7am and also reply with they will give the driver a different route but it still keeps happening.

Today it was 5.53am. Usually it's around 5.20am.

Anyone had professional experience with what to do next?

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I think we've found the driver


No I can't drive a truck lol. Although I think there are more worrying things in the world to be moaning about. The bin lorry comes about 6:15 in my street. Yes it wakes me up sometimes but so does the lorry that delivered the bread to the local shop, so does the train that runs near the fields where I live. It's called living!

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For crying out loud do people have to moan about everything! The waste has to be emptied! Some people are so pathetic


Why do @■◇$holes think they just do what they want, how they want, when they want?


It's not a coincidence that the most densely populated cities have the strictest laws. It's about maintaining a reasonable environment and social cohesion. Why did we used to have electric milk floats? In Tokyo for instance, they have baned HGVs altogether.


We have laws about making noise in residential areas between 11pm and 7am

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