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Osborne's 2017 Landlord Tax

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This will likely never happen again, but I've just cheered the Tories and George Osborne.


Although actually reading the details it just seems to be a way to protect larger Landlords who will likely be a limited companies and therefore not liable for this tax anyway. Conveniently several large property developers donate millions to the Tories. So a new tax that ONLY hits small private landlords...how erm, convenient.


Then again I've just remembered Penistone999 is a landlord so I'm smiling again. :)

Edited by sgtkate
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The Tories are very good at telling us what they're going to do as if it's a done deal.

Then it quietly fades away, but they allow people to think it's actually happened....


Are Labour any better? A positive thing that will increase the tax coffers at no expense to the bottom rung of society but just because it is a Tory policy you are negative.


You must live in such a grey world.

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Are Labour any better? A positive thing that will increase the tax coffers at no expense to the bottom rung of society but just because it is a Tory policy you are negative.


You must live in such a grey world.


The World will always be Grey and Dull while ever the Tory Toffs are in Power, unless your as Rich as them.:rant:

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The World will always be Grey and Dull while ever the Tory Toffs are in Power, unless your as Rich as them.:rant:


Why would it be grey? Compared to when Labour were in power, we are engaging in less illegal wars thereby causing hundreds of thousands less deaths and the income tax threshold has gone up, meaning I keep more of my wage.


I am far from a toff and only slightly above the national average pay and life is better under the tories for me.


It is only life's losers that are complaining. Labour supporters think he country owes them a living, the rest of us realise how lucky we are to be born into this society and think that we owe the country.

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Why would it be grey? Compared to when Labour were in power, we are engaging in less illegal wars thereby causing hundreds of thousands less deaths and the income tax threshold has gone up, meaning I keep more of my wage.


I am far from a toff and only slightly above the national average pay and life is better under the tories for me.


It is only life's losers that are complaining. Labour supporters think he country owes them a living, the rest of us realise how lucky we are to be born into this society and think that we owe the country.


I am also quite drastically better off under the Tories, yet I support Labour. Sometimes the best decisions are ones that are made for others and not yourself. The majority of people who are better off under the Tories could easily afford to support those who are not, but choose to be selfish instead.

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This will likely never happen again, but I've just cheered the Tories and George Osborne.


Although actually reading the details it just seems to be a way to protect larger Landlords who will likely be a limited companies and therefore not liable for this tax anyway. Conveniently several large property developers donate millions to the Tories. So a new tax that ONLY hits small private landlords...how erm, convenient.


Then again I've just remembered Penistone999 is a landlord so I'm smiling again. :)


All that will happen is landlords will put rents up to cover it. We wont actually pay it ourselves, our tenants will.


This tax will hurt tenants , not landlords.


The same as a rise in VAT leads to a rise in prices on the shelves. companies just pass the cost on the their customers.

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I am also quite drastically better off under the Tories, yet I support Labour. Sometimes the best decisions are ones that are made for others and not yourself. The majority of people who are better off under the Tories could easily afford to support those who are not, but choose to be selfish instead.


Even more importantly, the conservatives tricked those who aren't actually better off, into believing that they would be and thus voting for them (on selfish grounds).

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