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Osborne's 2017 Landlord Tax

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The Tories are very good at telling us what they're going to do as if it's a done deal.

Then it quietly fades away, but they allow people to think it's actually happened....


So just remind us what Labour's policy is on Trident. It's Wednesday.


---------- Post added 04-11-2015 at 12:47 ----------


How did they trick anyone?


They didn't. They just tricked him.

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I am also quite drastically better off under the Tories, yet I support Labour. Sometimes the best decisions are ones that are made for others and not yourself. The majority of people who are better off under the Tories could easily afford to support those who are not, but choose to be selfish instead.


It's a great pity that more people don't think like you.

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I am also quite drastically better off under the Tories, yet I support Labour. Sometimes the best decisions are ones that are made for others and not yourself. The majority of people who are better off under the Tories could easily afford to support those who are not, but choose to be selfish instead.


Or the choose not to vote for a party that took us into two illegal wars, resulting in the deaths of so many people. I suspect that if the people killed in these wars were white, many people would be a different opinion.

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Or the choose not to vote for a party that took us into two illegal wars, resulting in the deaths of so many people. I suspect that if the people killed in these wars were white, many people would be a different opinion.


The Tory party equally and effectively took us into those wars..they supported the labour government to a man, unlike some labour ministers who resigned.

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Or the choose not to vote for a party that took us into two illegal wars, resulting in the deaths of so many people. I suspect that if the people killed in these wars were white, many people would be a different opinion.


The same war that pretty much all Tory MPs voted for as well? Look, anyone who think we did the right thing is clearly deluded, but if you honestly think the Tories would have done a different thing then you are as deluded.


---------- Post added 04-11-2015 at 13:56 ----------


All that will happen is landlords will put rents up to cover it. We wont actually pay it ourselves, our tenants will.


This tax will hurt tenants , not landlords.


The same as a rise in VAT leads to a rise in prices on the shelves. companies just pass the cost on the their customers.


You've clearly not read the rules have you...you can put prices up but you will still lose a minimum of 40% of it. And comically for you, the larger limited company landlords don't have to pay the same tax, so they can undercut you. And will.

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How did they trick anyone?


Mostly by telling bare faced lies (or should we call them porkies)...


Like how they categorically stated they wouldn't cut WTC, and then have done so.


---------- Post added 04-11-2015 at 14:44 ----------



They didn't. They just tricked him.


Since I didn't vote for them and entirely expected the behaviour we're now seeing, you couldn't be much more wrong (although you do keep trying).

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Mostly by telling bare faced lies (or should we call them porkies)...


Like how they categorically stated they wouldn't cut WTC, and then have done so.


---------- Post added 04-11-2015 at 14:44 ----------



Since I didn't vote for them and entirely expected the behaviour we're now seeing, you couldn't be much more wrong (although you do keep trying).


No they didn't Cyclone, it is you who is lying. They promised not to cut child tax credits, and they haven't. You should really apologise to for your lie.


The Labour Party voted for it in higher numbers and provided the cabinet that lied to Parliament about wmds and various other things.


Labour are evil.

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