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Osborne's 2017 Landlord Tax

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No they didn't Cyclone, it is you who is lying. They promised not to cut child tax credits, and they haven't. You should really apologise to for your lie.


I think your'll find that Cyclone is 100% correct. It was the government who were lying.:suspect:



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I think your'll find that Cyclone is 100% correct. It was the government who were lying.:suspect:




The audio link isn't working for me so I can't verify these claims. Huffington Post is about as objective as the daily mail (though far less vile). Does the question refer to child or working tax credits?

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Why would it be grey? Compared to when Labour were in power, we are engaging in less illegal wars thereby causing hundreds of thousands less deaths and the income tax threshold has gone up, meaning I keep more of my wage.


I am far from a toff and only slightly above the national average pay and life is better under the tories for me.


It is only life's losers that are complaining. Labour supporters think he country owes them a living, the rest of us realise how lucky we are to be born into this society and think that we owe the country.


Because there is now an effective opposition, so the govt is reluctant to put foreign bombing campaigns to a parliamentary vote.


Obviously her majesty's opposition is a lot more effective nowadays.


---------- Post added 04-11-2015 at 17:42 ----------


The audio link isn't working for me so I can't verify these claims. Huffington Post is about as objective as the daily mail (though far less vile). Does the question refer to child or working tax credits?


Both, they would both have been cut under the proposals thrown out by the Lords.

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Because there is now an effective opposition, so the govt is reluctant to put foreign bombing campaigns to a parliamentary vote.


Obviously her majesty's opposition is a lot more effective nowadays.


---------- Post added 04-11-2015 at 17:42 ----------



Both, they would both have been cut under the proposals thrown out by the Lords.


The opposition are the war mongers! Cameron could lie about Syria and convince Parliament that Syria had wmds and were threatening us. Instead Cameron put it to an honest vote.


The proposals had no intention to cut child tax credits, just to limit future claims. That is different.

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The proposals had no intention to cut child tax credits, just to limit future claims. That is different.


The proposals intended on cutting tax credits across the board, both working and child tax credits.


Don't get in a strop with me, I support cutting tax credits, it's just that Osborne chose to cut them for the poorest people as well as the richest.


The HOL told him to go back and reconsider, I hope he does, still slashes the tax credit bill, but prevents hardship for the poorest claimants.

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The proposals intended on cutting tax credits across the board, both working and child tax credits.


Don't get in a strop with me, I support cutting tax credits, it's just that Osborne chose to cut them for the poorest people as well as the richest.


The HOL told him to go back and reconsider, I hope he does, still slashes the tax credit bill, but prevents hardship for the poorest claimants.


I am not getting in a strop at all, whatever makes you think I am? What cuts were proposed for child tax credits? As far as I know it was limiting future claims, not cutting child tax credits.

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Even more importantly, the conservatives tricked those who aren't actually better off, into believing that they would be and thus voting for them (on selfish grounds).


Good point


How did they trick anyone?


According to many political pundits in the media, this woman explains how:



However as others have said she knew the Tories were going to cut benefits for other people, and yet she was fine with that.

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Because there is now an effective opposition, so the govt is reluctant to put foreign bombing campaigns to a parliamentary vote.


Obviously her majesty's opposition is a lot more effective nowadays.


---------- Post added 04-11-2015 at 17:42 ----------



Both, they would both have been cut under the proposals thrown out by the Lords.


Where ? Who ?

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