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G4S to handle 999 calls

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Three police forces are considering outsourcing their control rooms to private security firm G4S.


The Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Northamptonshire forces have asked G4S to carry out a feasibility study to see what it might be able to offer.


Emergency services with a profit motive, if they want a cheaper service, why not just ask there own 999 service to cut costs.



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G4S. One of those organisations that constantly gets hauled over the coals for being rubbish, yet is seemingly first choice whenever govt outsourcing contracts turn up.


They should be prohibited from tendering for contracts, maybe their CEO plays golf with a Minister.

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Funny how no one reads past the headline. Lincolnshire Police have been doing this since 2012. Apart from a blip with a new IT system meaning some officers only got two and a half weeks notice of shift changes, there appears to be no evidence of a loss of performance as a result. 999 calls are still free.


I'm all for efficiency and cutting out the dead wood in the public sector but I'm not convinced that outsourcing is the right approach; I'd rather it was a process performed from within.

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Funny how no one reads past the headline. Lincolnshire Police have been doing this since 2012. Apart from a blip with a new IT system meaning some officers only got two and a half weeks notice of shift changes, there appears to be no evidence of a loss of performance as a result. 999 calls are still free.


I'm all for efficiency and cutting out the dead wood in the public sector but I'm not convinced that outsourcing is the right approach; I'd rather it was a process performed from within.


Now we have got past the headline, are there any facts about performance vs cost?

I looked on wiki, not even a mention. I did see Lincolnshire Police in the news for calling for an end to nuisance calls.

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What about this... Do you think it would be a good idea that we should consider rewinding to 1829 when the Police Force was first established and start all over again because, I think that somewhere recently along the way, it has gone wrong and needs to be put back on track and do what it was intended to do in the first place and that is bringing the wrongdoers to justice and letting the punishment fit the crime and employ more Police Officers not reduce them.

When did you last see a PC patrolling your area?

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