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Online activity to be stored under new law

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I would like to read the entire proposal, but not sure where to find it (I am sure it is on a .gov site somewhere).


But when I hear Teresa May talking about websites when she clearly means web services I have to laugh. She hasn't got a clue (still) about what she is proposing.

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I'm not too bothered about this personally, other than the fear that it would fall into the wrong hands, like hackers or future potentially unscrupulous governments.


To people who say things like "nothing to hide, nothing to fear", it really isn't as clear cut as that. There are a lot of examples I can think of where people could be looking at websites that are perfectly legal but they wouldn't want other people knowing about, especially if the data falls into the hands of unscrupulous extortionists and/or scammers, e.g. by hacking, or infiltrating (planted employees or bribes to ISP workers). Consider:


- The married woman browsing adultery websites

- The married man browsing adult websites

- The un-outed gay man browsing homosexual websites

- Someone concerned about a serious health condition and not wanting their insurer or employer to know

- Someone in a politically correct job or environment who browses legal anti-immigration websites

- Someone in a religiously sensitive job who browses atheist websites


Add to the above any indicators of the person having money (investment websites, expensive shops, etc), as well as personal contact details, and don't you have a recipe for blackmail/extortion?

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Of course, a lot of the paranoia over this forgets that if you connect to a site with https, then even your ISP doesn't know what pages and data is being passed across it's pipes.


So yes, your ISP will see you connected to your bank. After that, it has no idea.

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Tracked on foot 24/7 through public and private CCTV, these days with facial recog.


Tracked in car 24/7 through fixed and mobile public and private ANPR.


...and now tracked online 24/7 through ISPs.


Whilst, on the one hand, I can't say CCTV and ANPR have ever had any impact on my private life (touching a baobab here), the old privacy is starting to get a bit much of a battering, don't you think?


George Orwell must be spinning in his grave at close to lightspeed by now.

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People also forget that systematic gathering about tiny details of citizens lives, driven by the state is a cornerstone of authoratitive regimes. And that information is collected using the excuse that it is to protect society but in those regimes often ends up being used against individuals and groups by the state.


Neither the Conservatives or Labour should be trusted for one minute over schemes like this.

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Difficult choice, it seems a big jump that the only way they can identify who they want is to collect data on everyone.


Not a case of having nothing to hide, but do you really want the givernment and any of the departments employed by the government to have the right to go through your private information?


Will wait to see what they come up with. If you were a person up to no good though and you knew this was happening then there would be plenty of common sense straeues they could use to counter it.

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Neither the Conservatives or Labour should be trusted for one minute over schemes like this.
Andy Burnham's full support for Ms May about it in the Commons speaks volumes.


Then again, I am not the least bit surprised about leftist support for it, this kind of 24/7 cradle-to-grave surveillance was long the socialists' wet dream in western Europe...and the Eastern Bloc's reality for decades.


Meanwhile, the other US-aided British government's hand is busy waving an alleged terrorist bomb planted in the Russian A321 from Sharm-El-Sheik in our faces, before the air accident investigators have even looked at the flight recorders.



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Andy Burnham's full support for Ms May about it in the Commons speaks volumes.


Then again, I am not the least bit surprised about leftist support for it, this kind of 24/7 cradle-to-grave surveillance was long the socialists' wet dream in western Europe...and the Eastern Bloc's reality for decades.


Meanwhile, the other US-aided British government's hand is busy waving an alleged terrorist bomb planted in the Russian A321 from Sharm-El-Sheik in our faces, before the air accident investigators have even looked at the flight recorders.




I'm sorry? Leftists support for this? Are you kidding me?

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I'm sorry? Leftists support for this? Are you kidding me?
Andy Burnham, shadow Home Secretary, in the Commons: ''We support the government in its attempt to update the law in this important and sensitive area''




Was I mistaken to hold Mr Burnham, senior Labour MP, prominent runner-up to the Labour leadership election, since appointed to a high-profile and highly-representative position in Mr Corbyn's shadow cabinet, for a reasonably authoritative representative of "the left"? :huh:



Where on earth did you get that from?

14 years of Socialist rule in France started 1981 (recently spruced up by Mr Hollande and cohorts: they even got Sarkozy geolocated last month!), 13 years of Labour Rule in the UK started 1997. Take a passing glance at the state and extent of the State's interference and stake in Marcel Dupont's and Joe Blogg's everyday life as a result.


Besides decades of socialist rule in Russia and the Eastern Bloc. "Stasi" rings a bell?

Edited by L00b
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