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Is it safe to holiday in Muslim countries now?

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So it's easy enough to justify away the terrorist threat in France. Yet no desire to do the same thing in Turkey...
Not really: the ratio of Muslims to others in the total population (within which terrorists mingle, hide and find support) is rather different between both countries, as is the distance to Raqqa as the bird flies and many more variables.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:08 ----------


Has Barcelona suddenly become Spain's capital?
If you've got nothing intelligent to say <etc>
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I guess I would figure it out this way. Wherever there are missiles being fired close by, terrorists fighting e.g. in or in close proximity to anywhere in the Middle East I will not be going. Any country that ISIS has in its sights based on their own broadcasts I would be avoiding. Now it is true that they have threatened everywhere in Europe and spending most of my time in Spain I am aware that the aggro with Islam is in the larger cities. Spain is a very big country so I feel somewhat safer stuck half way up a mountain in the middle of nowhere than I would for example in any city in Europe. Hence my advice would be unless you need to get on a plane don't until this ISIS stuff is over. I doubt it will be too long because Vladimir seems pretty committed to wiping them out along with any other terrorist groups.


Let's not forget the poor souls who lost their lives whilst flying on the Malaysia airlines flight.


It was flying over an apparent conflict zone.




This story seems to have bounced off the radar and now everyone is hung up over going to countries that are majority Muslim.

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That map means nothing. What was the USA threat level before 11 September? What was the UK's before 7/7 or Tunisia before the recent shootings?


The people I know who have visited Morocco would never go back. They felt unsafe. The Hotels have wire mesh, caged entrances for a reason.

In the short time I've been on this forum it seems Cyclone seems at odds with all and sundry (That's Sundry no Sunday, for the benefit of Cyclone who doesn't seem to understand clear English) along with the provocative replies posted by the said poster.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:32 ----------


How do you figure that out? Please explain how you reached that conclusion.

Simple the attacks by muslim terrorists target many not just one or two, remember 911, Bali etc.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:34 ----------


You seem to want to make this personal. That's probably because your arguments don't stand up to scrutiny. Visiting Morocco in the past gives no indication of how the terror threat has increased since IS came on the scene any more than visiting Ukraine 5 years ago would give you an indication of how things are today. I toured North Africa and up through Jordan in my student days. We accepted lifts from passing motorists. It would be total madness to do the same today.


Cyclone just seems to go out of his/her way top provoke.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:38 ----------


What a nonsensical and arbitrary position to take!


You have no understanding of the real risks (or desire to find out I think).

And you know everything as usual.

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In the short time I've been on this forum it seems Cyclone seems at odds with all and sundry (That's Sundry no Sunday, for the benefit of Cyclone who doesn't seem to understand clear English) along with the provocative replies posted by the said poster.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:32 ----------


Simple the attacks by muslim terrorists target many not just one or two, remember 911, Bali etc.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:34 ----------



Cyclone just seems to go out of his/her way top provoke.


James I wasnt asking you. I jabe no faith in your ability to explain or be rational. If youd like to come up with some sourced numbers and explain how you reached your decision, then that would be fine, but i'm more interested in qualums reasoning.


Btw if you are going to start accusing cyclone of provoking people then this is your second post where you seem to be slating him off to other people so its a bit ironic to say the least.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:43 ----------


I looked at the number of tourists killed by cars on Tenerife and compared the figure to the number of tourists killed by terrorists in Tunisia or Egypt.


Care to link your numbers then as they appear to differ from mine. I didnt find the number for Tenerife specifically so I had to ise the number for Spain. Happy o use your numbers though if you link them.

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Simple the attacks by muslim terrorists target many not just one or two, remember 911, Bali etc.


Yes, within a couple of days you could fly to the USA not because the UK suspended flights but the USA suspended ALL incoming flights...they shut down completely, yet the US obviously did a risk analysis in favour of internal and external flights continuing. It didn't stop the continuing carnage on the roads though

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Yes, within a couple of days you could fly to the USA not because the UK suspended flights but the USA suspended ALL incoming flights...they shut down completely, yet the US obviously did a risk analysis in favour of internal and external flights continuing. It didn't stop the continuing carnage on the roads though


The USA and Britain put in security checks with reliable personnel. So flying across the Atlantic is pretty safe these days. The security in Egypt, on the other hand, is described as chaotic to non existent.


I've no idea what this nonsense about roads has to do with anything. But I do know that the screen pillars of my last few cars have been like girders to do all that is possible to make them safe. Indeed as most accidents are caused by drink drivers, young drivers, disqualified drivers, speeding drivers and drivers going too fast in bad weather particularly at night. It is pretty easy to minimize the risks.


It is a lot safer to drive my car everyday than it is to fly into Egyptian airspace everyday. I can cut out that particular risk altogether by simply not doing it at all, which also has the benefit of cutting down my risk of getting food poisoning.

Edited by exxon
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Yes, within a couple of days you could fly to the USA not because the UK suspended flights but the USA suspended ALL incoming flights...they shut down completely, yet the US obviously did a risk analysis in favour of internal and external flights continuing. It didn't stop the continuing carnage on the roads though


It stopped another 911, you seem to think that a car accident is due to an identical cause as 911.


Here it is in simple Janet & John terms:-


Car crash, mostly accident.


911, 277, Bali etc = deliberate. terrorism.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 20:06 ----------


The USA and Britain put in security checks with reliable personnel. So flying across the Atlantic is pretty safe these days. The security in Egypt, on the other hand, is described as chaotic to non existent.


I've no idea what this nonsense about roads has to do with anything. But I do know that the screen pillars of my last few cars have been like girders to do all that is possible to make them safe. Indeed as most accidents are caused by drink drivers, young drivers, disqualified drivers, speeding drivers and drivers going too fast in bad weather particularly at night. It is pretty easy to minimize the risks.


It is a lot safer to drive my car everyday than it is to fly into Egyptian airspace everyday.


Agree 100%.

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James I wasnt asking you. I jabe no faith in your ability to explain or be rational. If youd like to come up with some sourced numbers and explain how you reached your decision, then that would be fine, but i'm more interested in qualums reasoning.


Btw if you are going to start accusing cyclone of provoking people then this is your second post where you seem to be slating him off to other people so its a bit ironic to say the least.


---------- Post added 09-11-2015 at 19:43 ----------



Care to link your numbers then as they appear to differ from mine. I didnt find the number for Tenerife specifically so I had to ise the number for Spain. Happy o use your numbers though if you link them.


Link to your numbers and I will check them for you.

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