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Is it safe to holiday in Muslim countries now?

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d*o*h. Israel/Palestine isn't between Judaism and Islam. It's between Jewish families, and Arab families. It's T*R*I*B*A*L.


Well the Israel "tribe" are only there because they are Jewish. They are people of many races all put together because of religion.


Trying to divorce religion from this conflict is ridiculous. Would you care to enlighten us?

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religion is present and to some it is very important indeed but it is not the main driver. Many Jews are athiests. And many Arabs are Christians.


Some Jews also identify as Arabs.


They may have their differences but Jews and Arabs share a common genetic heritage that stretches back thousands of years.

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Some Jews also identify as Arabs.



not so many. In fact I would say very few, even those non-Sabra Israelis (and there are less and less of them) who have Arabic as their first language. Although quite a few Israelis identify themselves with an additional nationality to Israeli (i.e. American, or Iraqi) that starts to fall away after a couple of generations. Although you may even find some Israelis that identify themselves as Spanish Jews or Sephardi today when their forebears immigrated 500 years ago. Older Mizrahi that immigrated from say Iraq, remember the way they were when they were young in Iraq, before they immigrated. Although Arabic was probably their first language, they were Jews then when they were young and they are Jews in Israel now.


and of course some Arabs identify themselves as Israeli. But they don't identify themselves as Jews.

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religion is present and to some it is very important indeed but it is not the main driver. Many Jews are athiests. And many Arabs are Christians.


I'm going to quote the late great Christopher Hitchens who made this point when debating with Tony Blair, because I think you're wrong that religion isn't a major factor in this conflict, way wrong:


"Everyone in the civilised world has roughly agreed, including the majority of Arabs and Jews and the international community, that there should be enough room for two states, for two peoples in the same land. I think there is rough agreement on that.


Why can't we get it? The UN can't get it, the U.S. can't get it, the Quartet can't get it, the PLO can't get it, the Israeli parliament can't get it. Why can't they get it?


We can't get it because the parties of God have a veto on it and everybody knows that this is true. Because of the divine promises made about this territory, there will never be any peace, never be any compromise. There will instead be misery, shame and tyranny, and people will kill each other's children for ancient books and caves and relics."


I would even point out that the motion they were debating was 'is religion a force for good in the world' and on this particular point Tony Blair (to his credit) conceded he had no answer.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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Obviously not very good seeing how they are pushing the Thomas Cooke holidays to Turkey
Thomas Cook have cancelled hundreds of flights to Turkey - mine being one of them.

Im now flying with Monarch, and will be on my way to the airport in 8 hours time...

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Thomas Cook have cancelled hundreds of flights to Turkey - mine being one of them.

Im now flying with Monarch, and will be on my way to the airport in 8 hours time...


Why is that, Ghostrider? How did you find out, did the booking agent call you?

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Thomas Cook have cancelled hundreds of flights to Turkey - mine being one of them.

Im now flying with Monarch, and will be on my way to the airport in 8 hours time...

But why is Turkey suddenly safer merely because you arrive on a different provider's flight?

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