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Is it safe to holiday in Muslim countries now?

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Why is that, Ghostrider? How did you find out, did the booking agent call you?

After reading about it on a turkish facebook group, I rang and asked them - they had cancelled it and not informed me.


But why is Turkey suddenly safer merely because you arrive on a different provider's flight?

When did I say it was ?

All I said that was Thomas Cook had cancelled hundreds of flights.

Their reason being was that bookings were 40% down on the same time last year....and the main reason for this ?


All the scaremongering !

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Some Jews also identify as Arabs.


They may have their differences but Jews and Arabs share a common genetic heritage that stretches back thousands of years.


I can identify as a Peruvian if I want, but it doesn't make me one.

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After reading about it on a turkish facebook group, I rang and asked them - they had cancelled it and not informed me.



Thanks for that. Know some folk who are due to fly out with same airline next week, I will give them the heads up so they can check.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am currently in Israel and I'm loving it.


I haven't felt in danger at all and have been travelling in my around, seeing the sights and meeting wonderful people of many different religions and faiths.


I was talking to a Christian guide in Bethlehem, and he told me that tourism for 2016 is currently down 90%.

NINETY percent from 2014.


We went right up close to the Syrian border. We were on a mountain, so could see right into Syria. It's always been on my bucket list, but I think that was the closest I will ever get. At least I can say I SAW Syria with my own eyes.


I do have to admit to being a BIT concerned about joining thousands of people in the main square in Tel Aviv fir the massive 68th Independence Day celebrations, but it was so much fun. Very few people were drinking, so there was no ago or fights that I saw. We left about 10, though.

Edited by Scozzie
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The UK threat level has been increased, perhaps it's no longer safe to holiday in Skegness.

Just got back, I have been run over three times by mad people on electric scooters who threatened me with walking sticks when I protested:hihi:

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I am currently in Israel and I'm loving it.


I haven't felt in danger at all and have been travelling in my around, seeing the sights and meeting wonderful people of many different religions and faiths.


I was talking to a Christian guide in Bethlehem, and he told me that tourism for 2016 is currently down 90%.

NINETY percent from 2014.


We went right up close to the Syrian border. We were on a mountain, so could see right into Syria. It's always been on my bucket list, but I think that was the closest I will ever get. At least I can say I SAW Syria with my own eyes.


I do have to admit to being a BIT concerned about joining thousands of people in the main square in Tel Aviv fir the massive 68th Independence Day celebrations, but it was so much fun. Very few people were drinking, so there was no ago or fights that I saw. We left about 10, though.


the days when you could get from Jerusalem to Damascus (135 miles as the crow flies) IN ONE DAY by going over the Hussein bridge to Amman and then sheruts to the border and on to Damascus have gone. Although I didn't do it myself in only one day it definitely was possible.


the fares have gone up. 20 years ago the various sheruts probably cost about $30 between them. Now it will probably be thousands.


the sheruts have changed too. Before they were just the kind of ordinary sheruts you saw everywhere. Now, they will be armoured, which explains the price increase.


Israeli towns and cities are really crowded as you have seen. It is one of the most crowded countries that there is. The population of the country, already crowded then, has gone up 33% in the past 20 years. But not surprised that you didn't sense any violence during the independence day celebrations. Israelis are combative and even confrontational in discourse. They will argue about anything. But they are not violent at all, like British football hooligan types, are violent.

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Give us a example of what countries us brits go to that is muslim? Everyone I know heads to Spain and Greece. I dont know, nor have i ever heard of a brit going to the midle east for the sake of sunshine


Tunisia, Egypt and Turkey (which is secular on paper but the population is majority muslim).

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