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Cuts to police and other services WHY?

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Really don't get why theres cuts to police when theres more people coming into England than ever before ??


its same with NHS service , would have thought with more people you need more staff etc

if we so skint why keep sending millions to other countries ?? why not sort our own out first .


my little rant over;)

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Any cuts will be connected to budget issues no doubt. The Police Forces and the NHS are very serious issues. The government should be explaining any changes in budgets thereto to people through the mass media, with information updates, including detail that the average citizen can follow

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Every second and third rate country in the world, it seems.


Foreign aid should be stopped. We don't owe anyone anything. Concentrate on making this country the best in the world and then maybe we can think about helping other countries.


Do you actually know what appeasement is? Go and look it up.


Unfortunately as one of the richest countries in the world its made an international commitment to providing foreign aid. Britain likes to see itself as a world leader and cameron likes to ve seen in that light. Stop making promises and basking in the publicity if you cant keep them.

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Really don't get why theres cuts to police when theres more people coming into England than ever before ??


its same with NHS service , would have thought with more people you need more staff etc

if we so skint why keep sending millions to other countries ?? why not sort our own out first .


my little rant over;)


When Osborne talks about a low tax economy he's talking about a country with absolutely minimal services. Osborne's great trick is he convinced enough people that he was doing it for deficit reduction whilst at the same time he give away huge amounts of the money 'saved' in tax cuts to big business.

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Any cuts will be connected to budget issues no doubt. The Police Forces and the NHS are very serious issues. The government should be explaining any changes in budgets thereto to people through the mass media, with information updates, including detail that the average citizen can follow


NHS is ringfenced, so no cuts, but with an ageing population and more medical treatments means there will be more demand.


Government doesnt have to explain tbh they won the election and they cna do what they want. 17000 officers went last time and they expect 22,000 to go in the next round.

Min cuts for the Home office will be 25% and max 40%.

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