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Cuts to police and other services WHY?

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NHS is a protected budget, it's not being cut.


Yes it is. NHS England themselves say that they need an extra £30bn in this Parliament just to stand still and the Tories only pledged £8bn (and it's questionable whether any of that will ever see the light of day). The Government have said that the NHS is going to have to find the rest though 'efficiency saving', which is mealy-mouth cobblers for cuts.

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Yes it is. NHS England themselves say that they need an extra £30bn in this Parliament just to stand still and the Tories only pledged £8bn (and it's questionable whether any of that will ever see the light of day). The Government have said that the NHS is going to have to find the rest though 'efficiency saving', which is mealy-mouth cobblers for cuts.


The NHS is a protected budget, it is not being cut. They're going to get an extra £8bn a year (more than Labour pledged, incidentally). It's a ringfenced budget and has been since 2010.

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Lets put things into perspective - in 2014 the UK foreign aid budget was 1.4% of government spending, so 98.6% of our government budget wasn't spent on foreign aid.


1.4% looks rather limp until it's converted to £10,300,000,000.


That's a lot of hard earned tax payers cash ****** up the wall.

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It's still a hell of a lot of money to be giving away when so many people in this country are struggling. Why not use that money to raise the personal allowance by a thousand or so? Allowing British people to keep more of the money they earn instead of giving it to foreigners?


As one of the countries with the biggest economies in the world, isn't it the responsible thing and our duty to offer help?


It's impossible to cut ourselves off from the world and what goes on abroad will have repercussions at home, so money spent fighting illnesses such as Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria will benefit the population at home, surely this is a good thing?.


Money spent helping those in countries like Pakistan, Ethiopia and Bangladesh will help to cut down on the amount of asylum seekers that look to enter our country. Surely this is a good thing?


Surely it's better to spend the money helping Syrian refugees in places like Jordan rather than have even more people joining the exodus from the region?


This isn't taking into account the political work that the aid often does.


Now, I'm not arguing that the system is perfect and not without faults, but it is at a level that one of the worlds biggest economies can easily manage.

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Help yes, but for far too many years our aid money has disappeared into a great abyss with absolutely jack-all to show for it.


Steps are being taken to streamline the process and make sure it actually gets to those who need it but things are still very unclear.


It was in the news the other week that we are trying to get transparency but some organisations can't or won't tell us where the money is going.

It also looks like roughly half the money we give to large organisations like the UN just gets wasted on admin costs.




I think it speaks volumes that we are only just starting to get a handle on where the money is going, for decades it's just been shovelled into a bottomless pit with not a care in the world what it's being used for.

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NHS is a protected budget, it's not being cut.


Crime is falling (if the state are to be believed) and moving online, fewer police are needed.


Police cut now please, I still believe we need more of surveillance on our streets and communities, they are doing a great work, thumb up to our service men and women.

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