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Flu jab and viral illness

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And lives, and not just the people who catch the flu, but also people who cannot access critical care because the beds are clogged up with people critically ill with flu.


But hey, what does that matter.


of course it matters :) paying the gp's per shot seems quiet cheap in comparison.



people complaining about the gp's getting paid seems petty unless they think its some kind of big pharma conspiracy.

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Do we have a medical inquisition going on?


Certainly appears that way.






Even if people won't be getting burned at the stake,they'll still die in droves due to state mandated ''nutrition'' and vaccines. It bears remembering that the inquisition lasted for centuries,but to this might not need to if only because it's more efficacious.


You're starting to sound more and more like the radio hosts you've been listening to and websites you've been reading; Alex Jones, the one person who has ever made Piers Morgan come across as both likeable and a crusader for truth and sanity, and that bizarre Whale website, which promotes David Icke's theories that the world is governed by reptilians as well as frankly offensively dangerous nonsense such as that the Sandy Hook massacre was staged with fake victims, that the holocaust was a hoax, and that the US government brainwashes children into shooting each other at school in order to enable them to be able to ban the firearms that Americans should be able to carry by right.


So you're happy to believe those guys, and come up with conspiracy theories about medical inquisitions, rather than accept the comparatively reasonable explanation that money might change hands in order to vaccinate people because it will cost less and result in considerably less suffering than leave them to catch flu?

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Given that the risk even with that particular drug - which has now been withdrawn in favour of ones which don't have that risk - is small compared with the risk of getting flu, and given that the same mechanism which it is thought caused those cases is likely to have caused narcolepsy in people who contracted flu, no I don't have to worry about it at all.


And why are you so obsessed with comparing the risks of a flu vaccine with eating - it's merely been suggested that advocating (as I believe is Obelix) that eating is a very sensible trade-off of the small risks of adverse reactions to food compared with those of starvation (and that a similar very straightforward trade-off applies to vaccination).


---------- Post added 16-11-2015 at 16:35 ----------



Well, that's a very different issue, and the jury is very much still out on that. And the best way to prevent being in a position where you need to see whether Tamiflu would be effective or not is to be vaccinated against influenza.


After reviewing the pronouncements regarding the efficacy of Tammy Flu. One is led to the conclusion ,that there is much controversy in the world of medical "science". I'd like to know who commissioned and funded the "in depth" research.

So every announcement regarding Tammy flu treatment ,prior to the "in depth study" is irrevocably : wrong , without foundation and flawed ?

What wae flawed in the BMJ study ? What were the motives behind the conclusions made by the "denialists". The practice of science does not proceed

a long the lines of ," truth will prevail". (See , Thomas Khun's , Structure of

Scientific Revolutions" ). " Vaccinate early,vaccinate often".

And if you feel depressed it's your vaccination . So it goes.

Edited by petemcewan
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After reviewing the pronouncements regarding the efficacy of Tammy Flu. One is led to the conclusion ,that there is much controversy in the world of medical "science". I'd like to know who commissioned and funded the "in depth" research.

So every announcement regarding Tammy flu treatment ,prior to the "in depth study" is irrevocably : wrong , without foundation and flawed ?

What wae flawed in the BMJ study ? What were the motives behind the conclusions made by the "denialists". The practice of science does not proceed

a long the lines of ," truth will prevail". (See , Thomas Khun's , Structure of

Scientific Revolutions" ). " Vaccinate early,vaccinate often".

And if you feel depressed it's your vaccination . So it goes.


It sounds like you've had a healthy shattering of your misconceptions about how medical science works. Yes, much research gets funded by drug companies, and yes it does often get shelved when it doesn't fit the results the drug companies would like - which is a terrible state of affairs (although this situation is improving thanks to the likes of Ben Goldacre). And most of all, yes, different studies often produce conflicting conclusions. But it's not such a gloomy situation as you've concluded - most of the time it's not deliberately flawed methodologies producing different results, but methodologies turning out to not catch the relevant variables. That's why meta-analyses are helpful. I don't know the ins and outs of those particular studies, but I've not seen any mudslinging by either sets of authors to suggest that they think that there was an opposing agenda behind the different studies.


Either way, the best way of reducing the likelihood that you might have to hope in tamiflu to make you better would be to have a preventative treatment which has been proven to be effective, ie. a vaccine.

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Then you have to ask yourself.....why are they so damn insistent on getting us vaccinated?


Because in the middle of last century, thousands of kids caught polio and spent months, years in iron lungs.


Because they caught polio and were unable to walk ever again.


Because they got smallpox and DIED. A third of them. Dead. From a virus that doesnt even exist anymore due to vaccinations.


That's just two of the childhood diseases. Theres measles mumps, rubella, pertussis, diphtheria, TB. All essentially history now, all avoided by vaccinations and they only EVER crop up when there are whiney douchebags that can't be bothered to educate themselves and get their damn kids vaccinated!


And you want to stop vaccinations and go back to that? Do you WANT infant mortality to increase tenfold? You think it'd be cool to have paralysed kids come back again from polio. Thankfully there is no more smallpox but we still have many other killers out there.


You want to go back to that?


You sicken me.

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And you want to stop vaccinations and go back to that? Do you WANT infant mortality to increase tenfold? You think it'd be cool to have paralysed kids come back again from polio. Thankfully there is no more smallpox but we still have many other killers out there.


You want to go back to that?


You sicken me.


You know full well he doesn't want that.


Nor does he believe that vaccinations prevent the above. You can critisise the evidence he uses to justify his belief- that's fair enough.


But please, debate with honesty, not by slyly pretending you believe he wants the above mentioned suffering and then making out he's some kind of twisted sadist.

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You know full well he doesn't want that.


Nor does he believe that vaccinations prevent the above. You can critisise the evidence he uses to justify his belief- that's fair enough.


But please, debate with honesty, not by slyly pretending you believe he wants the above mentioned suffering and then making out he's some kind of twisted sadist.


So what stopped the illnesses then if the inoculations didn't?

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You know full well he doesn't want that.


Nor does he believe that vaccinations prevent the above. You can critisise the evidence he uses to justify his belief- that's fair enough.


But please, debate with honesty, not by slyly pretending you believe he wants the above mentioned suffering and then making out he's some kind of twisted sadist.


Go back OWD - read the thread again.


Then come back and apologise.


---------- Post added 17-11-2015 at 22:03 ----------


So what stopped the illnesses then if the inoculations didn't?


This is OWD - it's his special "researched on internet" diet that works wonders and cures everything you know....

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