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Flu jab and viral illness

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Very good - but what has this to do with the flu vaccine exactly ?

Start a new thread about HPV if you wish. This thread is about the flu vaccine:rant:


Not going to argue about what the thread should and shouldn't cover, but, as this thread is being contributed to by several people, I'm going to say, that, as far as I'm concerned, I'm happy for the discussion to stray onto other vaccines- just offering my opinion.


Concerning the flu vaccine though- it's important to realise that not all thoise opposing it necessarily are anti-vaccine per se.


Dr McDougal for example-




Strongly supports vaccinations in general, ensures his own family is fully immunised, but opposes the flu vaccine.


Please note: I am not myself opposing the flu vaccine here, simply posting a link to the views of someone who does.

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I agree.

I have had 'flu only once in my life. True 'flu means that you cannot lift your head off the pillow and going to the toilet is like climbing Everest. When I was ill I spent 3 days in bed without anything but drinks and paracetamol. I genuinely thought I was going to die :(

Needless to say, I have had my 'flu jab every year since and have never had a problem apart from a bruised feeling in my arm for a few days.

No excuses - go get your 'flu jab - you know it makes sense !


You have basically described M.E there, though there are plenty of other symptoms as well as above,


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 14:00 ----------


If you have a weakened immune system the last thing you should be doing is directly injecting known poisons like aluminium,mercury and formaldehyde into it.




That a tin foil site, conspiracy theorist site, Alex Jones, etc.


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 14:03 ----------


Maybe you should think a bit more about what you are saying.

Patients in hospital are already under a health stress or they would not be there. Patients visiting the doctor are also usually under some form of health stress, or why would they be taking up the doctors time. Community Nurses visit because a person needs some sort of nursing care so the person will not be enjoying the best of health,. Injecting anything that would put a further stress on to an already vulnerable person cannot be a good thing. Vaccinations when they work, work by causing the body to produce antibodies to the disease they are trying to prevent. A person who is already under a health stress will be further stressed by this process.

Why not offer the vaccines to the healthier portion of the population to cut the disease risk, they are the ones running around spreading the viruses not the ones who are not well in the first place. The reason vaccinating hospital staff works well is because they are the ones moving from one vulnerable patient to the next. So it cuts down on transmission rates to patients, just as handwashing does.


There should be mass public information campaigns about washing hands, not spitting on floor, etc, if they don't work, penalties should be introduced, however difficult to operationalise.

Edited by manwithaview
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You have basically described M.E there, though there are plenty of other symptoms as well as above,


True, although I can think of a couple of very significant differences...


1. ME typically doesn't last 3 days.

2. I'm not aware of any reports of ME being fatal.


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 16:43 ----------



That a tin foil site, conspiracy theorist site, Alex Jones, etc.


Yep, although the whale.to site which MAC posted to earlier achieves the feat of making Alex Jones look like a beacon of sanity.

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Vaccines,with their toxic ingredients,mercury,aluminium etc are effectively giving us a lobotomy (killing off part of the brain)


It's a chemical not a surgical lobotomy.


This is lilely why so few on this site have the ability to figure this scam out.


It's not just the propaganda that have us brainwashed.


We have been chemically dumbed down from the artificial sweeteners,vaccinations etc.



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Vaccines,with their toxic ingredients,mercury,aluminium etc are effectively giving us a lobotomy (killing off part of the brain)


It's a chemical not a surgical lobotomy.


This is lilely why so few on this site have the ability to figure this scam out.


It's not just the propaganda that have us brainwashed.


We have been chemically dumbed down from the artificial sweeteners,vaccinations etc.




And just because you've found a few folks on youtube, and a few pages from some other crazy sites - which tend to promote the most obnoxious viewpoints imaginable - is there anything at all to suggest that these bizarre beliefs might be true? Or is it just your way of making the world a little bit more interesting to yourself?

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Vaccines,with their toxic ingredients,mercury,aluminium etc are effectively giving us a lobotomy (killing off part of the brain)


It's a chemical not a surgical lobotomy.


This is lilely why so few on this site have the ability to figure this scam out.


It's not just the propaganda that have us brainwashed.


We have been chemically dumbed down from the artificial sweeteners,vaccinations etc.




If you truly believe that the authorities would go to the extreme of lobotomising the general population, the question arrises what the hell are you doing by taking about it so freely?


Aren't you setting yourself up for "a little car accident" in the not to distance future?

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This guy sounds far from crazy to me.


Actually I find him to very sharp.






That suggests he might be a good guy to go to if you need a brain tumour removing.


It doesn't give any indication that he has any expertise at all in virology, nutrition, or the other fields that he has no doubt expressed opinions on which vary from well-conducted scientific research.


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 17:36 ----------


This guy sounds far from crazy to me.


And I didn't suggest he was crazy. I was suggesting the person responsible for this site (which you cited earlier) is crazy. Do you think the views on that site are reasonable MAC33?

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