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Flu jab and viral illness

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Firstly thimoerosal isn't elemental mercury so that's a strawman.


And directly injecting it doesnt kill you. Even if you use an awfully large amount of it... one survived, the other died from causes unknown but not mercury.




So - have you any evidence that thimerosal is toxic?

Edited by Obelix
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Maybe you should think a bit more about what you are saying.

Patients in hospital are already under a health stress or they would not be there. Patients visiting the doctor are also usually under some form of health stress, or why would they be taking up the doctors time. Community Nurses visit because a person needs some sort of nursing care so the person will not be enjoying the best of health,. Injecting anything that would put a further stress on to an already vulnerable person cannot be a good thing. Vaccinations when they work, work by causing the body to produce antibodies to the disease they are trying to prevent. A person who is already under a health stress will be further stressed by this process.

Why not offer the vaccines to the healthier portion of the population to cut the disease risk, they are the ones running around spreading the viruses not the ones who are not well in the first place. The reason vaccinating hospital staff works well is because they are the ones moving from one vulnerable patient to the next. So it cuts down on transmission rates to patients, just as handwashing does.


Do they really inject ill people with vaccines? Is that vaccines in general, or the flu vaccine specifically?

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Do they really inject ill people with vaccines? Is that vaccines in general, or the flu vaccine specifically?


People who's health is vulnerable are those that need the flu vaccine the most, because if they caught the flu it's more likely to make them critically ill.

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You are beginning to sound paranoid mate.

I think you've got too much time on your hands tbh.


Why insult him? If you take a look there's no shortage of people taking him to task over his views by trying to use some form of argument? Why do you want to step in and put the boot in as well? It doesn't help anything- people shut down when insulted, it does not make them conducive to listening further.


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 18:23 ----------


If you truly believe that the authorities would go to the extreme of lobotomising the general population, the question arrises what the hell are you doing by taking about it so freely?


Aren't you setting yourself up for "a little car accident" in the not to distance future?


No, clearly he isn't. If the authorities want to terminate people for spreading information about vaccines, I would think they'd go for someone very prominent who has the publics hear, rather than someone arguing with you on an obscure city forum, wouldn't they?

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