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Flu jab and viral illness

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If the authorities were going to the extreme of chemically lobotomising everyone, to disrupt our cognitive abilities, they'll have no qualms about destroying everyone who spreads their little secret.


Obviously the idea is preposterous, and nothing more than the imaginations of those who are seriously deluded.


I'm not biting this time dude :) you'll have to find someone else :)


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 18:40 ----------


I think you have answered your own question !


And I think you've questioned your own answer :)


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 18:45 ----------


concerning (can't remember who posted it)-




Worth pointing out, i feel, that Japan, as a highly developed nation, has a medical system, and legal system, of similar levels of quality, as our own.


When those systems suspend certain vaccinations due to health risks, i think it's worth taking note.


After all, much of what people are arguing for here, is derived from our and the wests medical systems- when equivalent medical systems elsewhere disagree over the safety of a thing, clearly one, or both, must be wrong.

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I don't know. What do others think? Has he suggested that?




It seemed to me he did. Anyone else getting that impression?


Well that was resounding.


I've not suggested that anyone shouldn't carry out research, or form opinions. I would encourage it. But then that research and those opinions should be subjected to scrutiny.


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 19:29 ----------


Some on here might want to purchase this book.....if they have an open mind.


A very rare thing if you read this thread.






It's possible to have an open mind and yet form a critical opinion on whether a particular line of reasoning, or a particular author's judgement is worth pursuing any further. Although if you believe I'm wrong on that, then maybe you'd be open-minded enough to read Bad Science by Ben Goldacre, or Bad Pharma, which takes a rational look at the evils of the pharmaceutical industry.

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I didn't post that to make you or anyone "bite", it is my genuine held belief. Seriously, I don't post things on here with the sole intention of winding you up. :roll:




If the authorities were going to the extreme of chemically lobotomising everyone, to disrupt our cognitive abilities, they'll have no qualms about destroying everyone who spreads their little secret.


As no-one here, to my knowledge, has suggested the authorities are chemically lobotomising everyone (the suggestions seem to be mainly along the lines of the flu vaccine being harmfull to some, along with a feeling the authorities are 'pushing' the vaccine) I wondered why you were posting as if they had?

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And so, on the subject of applying scrutiny, is it unreasonable to suggest that someone's neurosurgery qualifications don't automatically make them a good judge on virology?


Similarly, if an author promotes views which contradict established history and promote hatred - particularly where such views shape their worldview - does that not undermine their credibility? So MAC33, do you find these views reasonable?






from whale.to, or do you think we should we ignore those and just believe this one?



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Although if you believe I'm wrong on that, then maybe you'd be open-minded enough to read Bad Science by Ben Goldacre, or Bad Pharma, which takes a rational look at the evils of the pharmaceutical industry.


What do you view Bad science/Bad pharma as saying about the pharmaceutical industry? Perhaps if you selected one or two of the main points and represented them here, they could form the seeds of a more productive discussion, if the points are critical of pharma, yet accepted by some rationalists/sceptics.


i.e. they'd presumably be harder to dismiss in the way conspiracy stuff is, and, perhaps also educational to anyone currently attached to said conspiracy theories.

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Some on here might want to purchase this book.....if they have an open mind.


A very rare thing if you read this thread.






So - have you any evidence that thimerosal is toxic? Or are you just going to ignore the question?


---------- Post added 23-11-2015 at 19:49 ----------


What do you view Bad science/Bad pharma as saying about the pharmaceutical industry? Perhaps if you selected one or two of the main points and represented them here


Perhaps we could start with the questions I asked you?


Have you any evidence that thimerosal, formaldehyde or aluminium are toxic in the doses found in vaccines?

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What do you view Bad science/Bad pharma as saying about the pharmaceutical industry? Perhaps if you selected one or two of the main points and represented them here, they could form the seeds of a more productive discussion, if the points are critical of pharma, yet accepted by some rationalists/sceptics.


Bad Science is a more general book, covering various subjects and applying data-driven scrutiny to various claims, including homeopathy, the work of Gillian McKeith and the MMR/autism controversy. It also covers media misrepresentation and sensationalisation of science. The most pertinent chapter relates to the quantity of drug trials which are carried out directly by the drug companies concerned and their bias to only publish those studies which yield positive results.


Bad Pharma is basically an expansion of that chapter, but also covering things like drug marketing and development. Goldacre has campaigned for the setting up of a mandatory research register, to ensure that negative results should be published as well as positive ones.

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As no-one here, to my knowledge, has suggested the authorities are chemically lobotomising everyone (the suggestions seem to be mainly along the lines of the flu vaccine being harmfull to some, along with a feeling the authorities are 'pushing' the vaccine) I wondered why you were posting as if they had?


Perhaps time for you to re-read the thread maybe?


I was responding to this post:


Vaccines,with their toxic ingredients,mercury,aluminium etc are effectively giving us a lobotomy (killing off part of the brain)


It's a chemical not a surgical lobotomy.


This is lilely why so few on this site have the ability to figure this scam out.


It's not just the propaganda that have us brainwashed.


We have been chemically dumbed down from the artificial sweeteners,vaccinations etc.



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