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Flu jab and viral illness

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Page 12 under the heading 'Staff Declining'


5.10 Staff declining

Workers have a duty to take care of their own health and safety and that of others who

may be affected by their actions at work (Health and Safety at Work Act 1974).

Immunisations are not mandatory under Trust policy (except for those performing EPP)

however by declining vaccination you may be putting yourself and others at risk.

A staff member wishing to decline vaccination will be required to sign a

declaration confirming that they are aware of the risk from vaccine preventable

infection that may be acquired in the course of their work (see Appendix 4).

 The Occupational Health Practitioner will hold copies of the ‘Declaration Form’ at the

clinic where the staff member is seen for the staff member to complete if declining

vaccination. The OHS will retain a copy and an electronic version will be emailed from

the OHS to the generic Human Resources email inbox. Human Resources will arrange

for this to be forwarded to the relevant manager so that the manager can file the form in

the staff member’s personal files on site.

You don't think this is putting pressure on people?


In conjunction with-

Occupational Health Service (OHS) will.......Notify the line manager when staff fail to attend OH appointments......Notify the line manager when an individual declines vaccination with a report stating that OH clearance cannot be provided......Provide regular updates on Did Not Attend (DNA) rates and compliance rates for staff vaccination to the SHFT contract manager through monthly reports......Maintain accurate and contemporaneous records of staff vaccinations and inform Managers when staff are unprotected against vaccine preventable infections.....


And, for voluntary workers, no choice-


Voluntary Workers Volunteers directly employed by the Trust should be made aware of the Trust Immunisation Policy (see Matrix in Appendix 1) . They should be advised that it will be a requirement of their continued voluntary service that they undergo screening and immunisation in line with this policy via the OHS
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People are encouraged to examine what is in their food but when rejecting the cocktail of toxins contained in vaccines - they are mocked by being called a conspiracy theorist.


A few of the ingredients.....Mercury,aluminium,Hamster ovaries, washed sheep blood, dog kidney cells--and here's a favorite with the Christian crowd--aborted human fetal tissue.

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People are encouraged to examine what is in their food but when rejecting the cocktail of toxins contained in vaccines - they are mocked by being called a conspiracy theorist.


A few of the ingredients.....Mercury,aluminium,Hamster ovaries, washed sheep blood, dog kidney cells--and here's a favorite with the Christian crowd--aborted human fetal tissue.


Personally, I have no problem with vaccines/immunisations, as long as they're not forced on people.

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People are encouraged to examine what is in their food but when rejecting the cocktail of toxins contained in vaccines - they are mocked by being called a conspiracy theorist.


A few of the ingredients.....Mercury,aluminium,Hamster ovaries, washed sheep blood, dog kidney cells--and here's a favorite with the Christian crowd--aborted human fetal tissue.


Or for a more accurate list of ingredients.




I think some of the stuff MAC33 mentions is off the menu of his local cafe in Western Australia.

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Check the recent quotes in previous posts. The NHS definitely is forcing certain volunteers to either have them, or lose their posts.


And, to put it mildly, applies pressure on paid workers to have immunizations.


No, they don't force people.


Read the declaration on page 20.

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seriously? you're quoting the express?


that's hilarious!


let me just check what they're saying (shouting) about the weather forecast...


yup, the usual rubbish about arctic blasts, and temperatures "plunging" (to freezing)...


stop reading the express, it's not good for you.


Gerrin a bit nippy out init.

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