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Flu jab and viral illness

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How do you explain the eradication of smallpox if it wasn't for Herd Immunity?


I can't obviously as the "herd immunity" effect exists. It is a function of the nature of the virus.


Although the smallpox viruses are highly contagious they are not as easily spread as other viral diseases.

Sounds odd but it less likely to be transmitted than other diseases because:

carriers without symptoms are extremly rare

only contagious when symptoms are obvious

only contagious for a short time

no water or animal carriers

innoculation against the disease was well known and well studied

immunity lasts for up to forty years

simple mass vaccination with a population keen to avoid catastrophic results

vaccination has a very high success rate


smallpox viruses have a low mutation rate.


"Herd Immunity" level varies between viral diseases because of the above factors amongst others. The characteristics of the smallpox and polio viruses is reflected in a herd immunity of about 80% wheras measles approaches 95%.

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I can't obviously as the "herd immunity" effect exists. It is a function of the nature of the virus.


Although the smallpox viruses are highly contagious they are not as easily spread as other viral diseases.

Sounds odd but it less likely to be transmitted than other diseases because:

carriers without symptoms are extremly rare

only contagious when symptoms are obvious

only contagious for a short time

no water or animal carriers

innoculation against the disease was well known and well studied

immunity lasts for up to forty years

simple mass vaccination with a population keen to avoid catastrophic results

vaccination has a very high success rate


smallpox viruses have a low mutation rate.


"Herd Immunity" level varies between viral diseases because of the above factors amongst others. The characteristics of the smallpox and polio viruses is reflected in a herd immunity of about 80% wheras measles approaches 95%.


So what's the alternative to herd immunity to protect those who can't be vaccinated?

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Annie Bynnol,




I beg to differ. The unvaccinated do achieve a degree of protection through "herd immunity".






" Q: What is herd immunity?


Manish Sadarangani: Herd immunity describes how a population is protected from a disease after vaccination by stopping the germ responsible for the infection being transmitted between people. In this way even people who cannot be vaccinated can be protected "

(Oxford Vaccine Group ).

Edited by petemcewan
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Thank you for your reply. This is exactly where we divide. I'm not suggesting any compulsory campaign of vaccination. It's a community thing for me. I'll make it quite a pointed position that I adopt. If my vaccination contributes to a degree of protection for the: very young,vulnerable , immune compromised and elderly. Then I will put aside my individual choice in favour of the herd and the attenuation of infection.


That's good. Some pro-vaccine people are in favour of compulsory vaccination.


One thing puzzles me though- you say you will put aside your individual choice in favour of the herd, yet, you seem to be very positive about vaccination. If that's the case, then you'd not actually be putting aside your individual choice, would you?

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Good point you make. When I walk through the door of my GP I'm faced with a choice-to jab or not to jab. I then weigh up the consequences for the group- and myself- of my refusal and that conditions my choice to have the jab. So my choice is mainly a utilitarian one. I don't mean to be personal. But if you had to make a choice to have a jab or not,then your choice would be predicated upon personal choice only. My choice is a personal one and a choice made for the good of the herd.

Edited by petemcewan
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Good point you make. When I'm being approached by my doctor I'm faced with a choice-to jab or not to jab. I then weigh up the consequences for the group (herd) of my refusal and that conditions my choice to have the jab. So my choice is mainly a utilitarian one. I don't mean to be personal. But your choice to have a jab or not is predicated upon personal choice only. My choice is a personal one and a choice made for the good of the herd.


There's a lot more factors involved though. For example, you clearly have a degree of trust in the medical systems assessment of things like vaccines.


I don't have that degree of trust.


Then there is the wider issue/'bigger picture' concerning the establishments progression towards compulsory vaccinations, which I very strongly oppose, and, which you, I believe, also oppose.


If there's one thing I've learnt in this life, it's that things get to where the system wants them to get, when most people comply and don't resist, the various stages and progressions the system puts in place along the way.


---------- Post added 27-11-2017 at 21:24 ----------



...I don't mean to be personal. But if you had to make a choice to have a jab or not,then your choice would be predicated upon personal choice only. My choice is a personal one and a choice made for the good of the herd.


Bear in mind also, that where the 'herd' is concerned, quite large numbers of it's members are themselves refusing the flu vaccine. The 'herd' does not stand s one on this issue.


By me refusing to have the flu vaccine, I'm also standing with them, and, like many of them, helping to put off the day when the authorities move towards forcing compulsory vaccinations on everyone.

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There are so many documentaries out there exposing Big Pharma and vaccination in particular its not funny.


I know many people myself that have been harmed by them.


The ingredients should have you concerned. Alarm bells should be going off everywhere. Direct injection,bypassing the body's defence mechanism should have your alarm bells going off at quadruple the noise.


Americans are the most medicated and vaccinated in the world by far - coincidence they are then the sickest?


Read and learn......




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Thanks for the reply.


---------- Post added 28-11-2017 at 00:36 ----------




I asked you earlier. Do you consider the vaccination antibody response, to be evidenced based and a sound scientific understanding of the immune system ?


You are quite right to point out that some vaccines have harmed some people.

But in my opinion, such events do not invalidate the medical science underpinning the vaccination immune system antibody response conferring some degree of protection from certain infections.


Jon Rappoport is well known to me.He's been an HIV denialist for quite some time. Consequently, I cannot take what he writes very seriously.



Quote from the link you provided.


"A: I would say he is partially aware. Perhaps he is not utterly convinced, but he is on the way to realizing the whole truth. He already knows that HIV is a hoax. He knows that the AIDS drugs are poisons which destroy the immune system. He also knows that if he speaks out, in any way, about the vaccine issue, he will be branded a lunatic. He has enough trouble after his stand on the AIDS issue ".

Edited by petemcewan
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Yes,I believe their science on vaccines to be a sham.


To believe that by directly injecting a witches brew of known toxins in to the body and expect overall health benefits is beyond me.


To you petemcewan - it seems to come down to trust in their science.


It's indeed a very hard obstacle to overcome.


Start by watching the documentary from Denmark that has many testimonies from girls harmed by the cervical cancer vaccine. I say harmed,shattered is sadly much closer to where they are at.

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Yes,I believe their science on vaccines to be a sham.


To believe that by directly injecting a witches brew of known toxins in to the body and expect overall health benefits is beyond me.


To you petemcewan - it seems to come down to trust in their science.


It's indeed a very hard obstacle to overcome.


Start by watching the documentary from Denmark that has many testimonies from girls harmed by the cervical cancer vaccine. I say harmed,shattered is sadly much closer to where they are at.


That's not an argument against the science. It's an argument from personal incredulity.


I'd wager there's a strong hint of willful ignorance too.

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