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Flu jab and viral illness

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You were talking about health workers in the previous post.


As for child vaccines, unless there's a specific medical reason why not, I think they should be mandatory.


This is OWD of the flashy red lights remember. He'll be claiming that when I said it was a mandatory requirement of employment I obviously meant all forms of employment, when you and I both know it was for people directly involved in hands on clinical care....

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This is OWD of the flashy red lights remember.


Ad hominem


He'll be claiming that when I said it was a mandatory requirement of employment I obviously meant all forms of employment, when you and I both know it was for people directly involved in hands on clinical care....
No, I know you meant health workers.


Just to be clear though, you're saying your call for mandatory vaccination applies to health workers directly involved in hands on clinical care, and, not to health workers who are not directly involved in hands on clinical care?

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Ad hominem


No it's a timely reminder of how you debate and how you can be shall we say selective in terms of what you present and choose to interpret.


I am interested that you are presenting large papers though - you've claimed before you have issues dealing with reading and extracting things from large amounts of text. Is that now not an issue?


---------- Post added 01-02-2018 at 09:33 ----------


Yeah, a debate paper. Pros, Cons etc.


I'm with Obelix on this one. I'd rather not catch flu from my heathcare worker if I happened to be in hospital.


I presume the paper will present it as the rights of health workers to choose vaccinations and the right of patients to not be treated by flu infected workers.


Since you can easily choose not to work for the NHS, but it's very hard to choose not to be treated by the NHS (even if you want to go private you can't for initial entry by GP or say by emergency admission). As such it's a slam dunk - if you dont want to get vaccinated find another job because the patients have zero choice.

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Yes, I was aware that you're with Obelix on this one :)


And, I'd also rather not catch flu from my healthcare worker, the questions are


1. is my healthcare worker being vaccinated with the flu vaccine going to help prevent that, and, the articles in the BMJ I've posted contain arguments from healthcare workers and doctors, questioning the efficacy of the flu vaccine


2. Is forcing my health care worker to have a vaccine they do not want, going to help- the BMJ articles contain arguments from doctors pointing out, for example, that mandatory vaccines could be counter productive, for example, leading to staff not wanting a career in healthcare


and of course, I posted several of those links in response to your claim-




presumably you now realize that there are calls for compulsory vaccinations?


On the evidence you've provided no, I don't think we're at that point yet.


Here's the dilemma, do you favour patient safety, or personal choice in this?

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Here's the dilemma, do you favour patient safety, or personal choice in this?

No, that's not the dilemma being discussed in those articles- those doctors are questioning the efficacy of the flu vaccine. Patient safety vs personal choice is only relevant in the context of the flu vaccine being efficacious.

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Written from my sick bed. Damnit ! I have a rotten cold.

last year,

vaccinated people aged over 65 in the UK were more likely to

get influenza



I'm a bit puzzled by the above quote. Why would vaccinated people over the age of 65 be more likely to get the flu ?


Note: I am aware that ones immune system is less robust when 60+

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