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Flu jab and viral illness

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Firstly,I don't think they even claim the viruses are dead.


They call it attenuated,I guess meaning de-activated.


But can we be sure they are not active?


Must take a lot of time and money-- not to mention a mighty powerful micro-scope to achieve.





Then think again. Meanwhile you're happy to post from a website which claims that al-qaeda are an invention of mi6 and the CIA, and that there is no evidence of the Nazis using gas chambers.


---------- Post added 16-11-2015 at 18:53 ----------


Firstly,I don't think they even claim the viruses are dead.


They call it attenuated,I guess meaning de-activated.


Attenuated flu vaccines do exist, but they're typically not used in the UK, and where they are used the manufacturer recommends they are not used for children, the elderly or those with health problems. The vaccines used in the UK are deactivated, ie killed, dead. And it's not all that hard to imagine a process which will ensure they are all dead, it's not like they have to stab each virus cell or anything like that.

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And yet, I assume you continue to eat, knowing that the risk of ill-health from not eating anything is far worse than the likely risk from you judiciously eating foods which you are told are gluten-free. That seems like a sensible decision


Similarly, many people take the sensible decision to take the low-risk strategy of getting a flu vaccination to increase their immunity from a serious illness - a serious illness I might add, which has much higher occurrence of serious symptoms than the vaccine has of serious side effects.


As usual there are those who are blind and those who will not see.

You miss the point entirely.

for 40 years the symptoms were ignored,and labled "irritable bowel" (yea right not a diagnosis but a cop out term for I can't be arsed to send you for a blood test or two) until I searched myself(only possible because of the internet) and found the possible causes of my symptoms and got the test I needed.

On the food front, I eat naturally Gluten Free Foods with only the occasional manufactured item that experience has proved I can trust. I can only eat in restaurants that I know have a separate food prep area. On a recent stay in Hospital, in otherwise great treatment during and after an op., I was sent food that was not what I had ordered from the Gluten Free Menu. You might have assumed that a hospital kitchen could get things right, apparently not.

There are far too many things that can go wrong with a Flu Vaccine, temperature control for a start.

How many of the people who suffer Flu like symptoms after the Flu jab get a blood test do you think, how many even get a visit to see how ill they are. I wonder how many people, with a heart problem for instance, die of a heart attack after the Flu jab, or people with high blood pressure have a stroke.

You have as many Jabs as you like. I will go with the experience of people I know who have had the jab, some are no longer with us or I would ask them to endorse with their experience.

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As usual there are those who are blind and those who will not see.

You miss the point entirely.

for 40 years the symptoms were ignored,and labled "irritable bowel" (yea right not a diagnosis but a cop out term for I can't be arsed to send you for a blood test or two) until I searched myself(only possible because of the internet) and found the possible causes of my symptoms and got the test I needed.

On the food front, I eat naturally Gluten Free Foods with only the occasional manufactured item that experience has proved I can trust. I can only eat in restaurants that I know have a separate food prep area. On a recent stay in Hospital, in otherwise great treatment during and after an op., I was sent food that was not what I had ordered from the Gluten Free Menu. You might have assumed that a hospital kitchen could get things right, apparently not.

There are far too many things that can go wrong with a Flu Vaccine, temperature control for a start.

How many of the people who suffer Flu like symptoms after the Flu jab get a blood test do you think, how many even get a visit to see how ill they are. I wonder how many people, with a heart problem for instance, die of a heart attack after the Flu jab, or people with high blood pressure have a stroke.

You have as many Jabs as you like. I will go with the experience of people I know who have had the jab, some are no longer with us or I would ask them to endorse with their experience.


Now you mention it, I regularly get mild flu like symptoms, or cold symptoms as they're more accurately known, during the flu inoculation season. The interesting thing is I never have the flu inoculation.


Makes you think doesn't it?

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There are far too many things that can go wrong with a Flu Vaccine, temperature control for a start.

How many of the people who suffer Flu like symptoms after the Flu jab get a blood test do you think, how many even get a visit to see how ill they are. I wonder how many people, with a heart problem for instance, die of a heart attack after the Flu jab, or people with high blood pressure have a stroke.

You have as many Jabs as you like. I will go with the experience of people I know who have had the jab, some are no longer with us or I would ask them to endorse with their experience.


Do you really think that the quality control in a restaurant or food processing plant is comparable with that in a medical laboratory?


I'm not denying that some people who have a flu jab then have very mild flu-like symptoms, or even that they have flu as a result of the protection not being perfect nor covering every single strain (or them already having caught flu), but as has already been pointed out, if you are so nervous about the adverse risks of the flu jab manufacturing process, then you ought to be much more nervous about eating anything at all our breathing any air.

Edited by mattleonard
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With all due respect... so what?





Before you dig yourself a deeper hole I feel honour bound to point out I was one of the first people in the UK to be diagnosed with coeliac disease so I'm pretty well up on what it is, and it's nothing special.




So just consider this - you get - quite rightly like me a lot of emails and notifications about food cross contamination, we all see the recall notices on shelves about food that's been withdrawn etc...


How many have you seen or heard about in the last ten years for medications?


Not many. Reason being is that they are inherently safe and the quality control is incredibly good meaning that ones that are dangerous are caught and removed before they are issued for prescribing.


Oh manufacturers never keep anything quiet, do they? Cigarettes/ Cancer

Or falsify data? Volkwagen.

Insecticide manufacturers who tried to cover up the effect of the stuff on other wildlife and Farmers.

Don't remember the Manufacturer but how about Prozac and violence in people who had been clinically depressed.


I suppose Governments never do anything like that either? Creutzfeldt Jacobs disease/ Mad cow disease.


Planned Mine Closures denied, where are they all now, those working mines.


Asbestos contamination. People were dying from the manufacture and use of Asbestos for decades. Maufacturers and Government knew there was a high incidence of disease in the workers, they did not investigate. It was and is disgusting. People are still dying of Mesothelioma. I could not even pronounce it until my husband died from it.


I wonder how many other things are being ignored or covered up because they are slightly inconvenient.

Governments are very good at promoting what they want the public to believe and then laying the blame for problems at someone else's door.

No one is interested unless it costs money from a rich man's pocket ( share prices falling)

Some years ago I worked on a school crossing while looking for a full time job. Some of the Children were missing for a couple of weeks running. When I asked what was wrong invariably it was swollen glands and sore throat and guess who woke up with a moon face one morning and couldn't do the second half of a National Cencus round. I had, had mumps as a child too.

Edited by Margarita Ma
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