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Flu jab and viral illness

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Does anyone know if there is more than one cold bug that's going round at the moment?

I've just got over one that has taken weeks to shake off....Colleagues at work have been coughing and spluttering, so I've been avoiding them like the plague.

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You've clearly made your mind up the Big Pharma (or whatever the current boogeyman is) is Out to Get You.


You are wrong. But I know I'm not going to persuade you otherwise, and TBH I can't see the point.


She gave a really clear list of examples of past cover-ups/deceits resulting in serious harm to many people-


Oh manufacturers never keep anything quiet, do they? Cigarettes/ Cancer

Or falsify data? Volkwagen.

Insecticide manufacturers who tried to cover up the effect of the stuff on other wildlife and Farmers.

Don't remember the Manufacturer but how about Prozac and violence in people who had been clinically depressed.


I suppose Governments never do anything like that either? Creutzfeldt Jacobs disease/ Mad cow disease.


Planned Mine Closures denied, where are they all now, those working mines.


Asbestos contamination. People were dying from the manufacture and use of Asbestos for decades. Maufacturers and Government knew there was a high incidence of disease in the workers, they did not investigate. It was and is disgusting. People are still dying of Mesothelioma. I could not even pronounce it until my husband died from it.


I wonder how many other things are being ignored or covered up because they are slightly inconvenient.

Governments are very good at promoting what they want the public to believe and then laying the blame for problems at someone else's door.

No one is interested unless it costs money from a rich man's pocket ( share prices falling)

Given the extent to which this stuff has happened, and is currently happening, it's no surprise that a person may have large doubts where pharmaceutical companies are concerned.


Do you have any evidence, Obelix, or, any examples showing that pharmaceutical companies are honest?

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Do you have any evidence, Obelix, or, any examples showing that pharmaceutical companies are honest?


I have a few medical conditions which are extremely well-managed as a result of medication which I take. Are you really suggesting that Margarita's list is longer than that of medicines which do genuinely work?


If so, you folks probably are better steering clear of any health service provision full-stop. Maybe you should try that website which MAC33 was quoting from earlier - the one from the people who believe that HIV/Aids doesn't exist.

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I have a few medical conditions which are extremely well-managed as a result of medication which I take. Are you really suggesting that Margarita's list is longer than that of medicines which do genuinely work?


No. I've no idea why you've produced this idea of "Margarita's list is longer than that of medicines which do genuinely work", so I can definitly confirm that I'm not suggesting that.


I was asking a question i.e.



Do you have any evidence, Obelix, or, any examples showing that pharmaceutical companies are honest?


For future reference, when I post something ending with "?", it's safe to assume it's a question, not a suggestion :)


Now it's your turn, and, the appropriate response, isn't a question, Obelix, or, Mattleonard but, an answer

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She gave a really clear list of examples of past cover-ups/deceits resulting in serious harm to many people




Oh I forgot. You are poisoning the well.



Given the extent to which this stuff has happened, and is currently happening, it's no surprise that a person may have large doubts where pharmaceutical companies are concerned.


Do you have any evidence, Obelix, or, any examples showing that pharmaceutical companies are honest?


Who cares?


I mean seriously who cares? Look at how many problems there are not with vaccination, and look at the consequences if you don't get vaccinated. Then do the risk analysis.


---------- Post added 16-11-2015 at 21:34 ----------


No. I've no idea why you've produced this idea of "Margarita's list is longer than that of medicines which do genuinely work", so I can definitly confirm that I'm not suggesting that.


I was asking a question i.e.




For future reference, when I post something ending with "?", it's safe to assume it's a question, not a suggestion :)


Now it's your turn, and, the appropriate response, isn't a question, Obelix, but, an answer


No. When you actually can be bothered to asnwer questions and stop debating like you did on the trailer thread then I'll bother to engage seriously with you.


As for now I'm off to drive a Landrover as I've some stuff to pick up in it.

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Who cares?


I mean seriously who cares? Look at how many problems there are not with vaccination, and look at the consequences if you don't get vaccinated. Then do the risk analysis.

I was talking about pharmaceutical companies and honesty. I don't believe I've touched on vaccination issues in this thread.


So, I care that pharmaceutical companies aren't honest, and that they have a seriously detrimental effect on our populations health.

No. When you actually can be bothered to asnwer questions and stop debating like you did on the trailer thread then I'll bother to engage seriously with you.



Cool. Does this mean you'll be refraining from commenting/critiquing/opinioning my future posts then? :sad:

As for now I'm off to drive a Landrover as I've some stuff to pick up in it.

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So, I care that pharmaceutical companies aren't honest, and that they have a seriously detrimental effect on our populations health.





Are you really claiming that pharmaceutical companies don't have a positive impact upon our national health?


Have you stopped to consider why life expectancy is increasing so very dramatically?

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Are you really claiming that pharmaceutical companies don't have a positive impact upon our national health?


Yes, he is. Although given his form, he'll follow up in a while to claim, despite the evidence, that he's claimed no such thing, and then berate you for asking him a question.


---------- Post added 16-11-2015 at 23:54 ----------


I don't believe I've touched on vaccination issues in this thread..


These threads always get to the point where someone tries to dig themselves out of a hole that they've dug by claiming that someone's point is off-topic. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen someone do it to themselves though.

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