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Flu jab and viral illness

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I get a free flu jab through work, I had it the first couple of years but not this time. One year I had the jab and still came down with a 'flu-like virus' according to the doctor.


I've got more 'flu-like viruses' in my 'flu-like virus' beridden body (virtually 'corpse' now), than 'flu-like viruses' actually know what to do in such a corporeally confined space. At the moment, they would appear to be lighting little camp fires whilst liquidising my brain and draining it out of my nose.

Although not a clinically trained physician, I know that if my whooping cough gets any worse, next door neighbour's gonna report me to the council for noise enfringements.

At least, my Crookes Ebola appears to have abated…thank God for small mercies.

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Most people have never had 'real' flu in their entire lives...I had it once, many years ago when I was about 25 and it completely knocks you on your back for getting on for a week...


Yes, since then I've had varying forms of cold, and sore throat and not feeling very well...But 'true' flu is dreadful and you certain'y know about it if you are unfortunate enough to get it.


Manflu...Now that can be terminal, as any bloke will tell you!...A whole different kettle of fish :)


I agree.

I have had 'flu only once in my life. True 'flu means that you cannot lift your head off the pillow and going to the toilet is like climbing Everest. When I was ill I spent 3 days in bed without anything but drinks and paracetamol. I genuinely thought I was going to die :(

Needless to say, I have had my 'flu jab every year since and have never had a problem apart from a bruised feeling in my arm for a few days.

No excuses - go get your 'flu jab - you know it makes sense !

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I was feeling fine then had flu jab and have now been ill for 7 weeks


Started with sinus trouble then cough aching muscles great fatigue


Obviously at this time of year there are many illnesses being passed around


Has anyone else had this??? :rant:


Hi I've had a bad cold for the last 5 weeks, thankfully most of it has cleared up. I had a dreadful sore throat and felt fatigued and aching muscles. There is a bug that's going around. I think it's just a coincidence that you had your flu jab at the same time.

I find that warm water, honey and lots of lemon slices with paracetomol eases the symptoms.

As I'm under 60 and generally well, I don't have the flu jab - but my Mum has the flu jab every year & she says that it's warded off the dreaded flu.

I had proper flu (as opposed to man flu) at the Millennium - it was dreadful :gag:

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