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Flu jab and viral illness

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If you have ever had 'flu you would never refuse to have your 'flu jab. .

I have had 'flu once and wouldn't wish it on anyone. I was in bed for 3 days - only getting out to use the loo. I felt SO ill. I get my jab for free at work and had mine several months ago with absolutely no side effects whatsoever.

The strain of 'flu around this year seems to be causing pneumonia which is something that will hospitalise you and cause major problems for anyone with other illnesses.


Edited by Daven
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One purpose of my earlier post was to stress the importance of getting vaccinated against both flu and pneumonia, not only for the whole community, but also personally, and to ensure, on an individual level, that your recent medical history is taken account of. In spite of the vaccine, pneumonia took several years for me to recover from and permanently destroyed a large part of one lung. More recently, influenza took eight weeks to fully get over and slight minor symptoms returned following subsequent vaccination against the current strain. My energy levels are still low but my advice is to get vaccinated especially if you are vunerable, elderly or have chronic illness. We have a duty of care to the community as well as to ourselves.

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The list of side effects to this drug is pretty impressive in itself.


Have you experienced any of these after taking the drug?


So by taking a vaccine - of which there are a huge number of cases of documented harm (a lot of the harm is sadly very serious) you are assuming you are going to be protected from that disease. This belief were you to dig deep is a false belief.




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I'm quite aware of the side effects and adverse events that can result from pharmaceuticals -that's undeniable. However, the industry is strictly regulated so that "killer" drugs don't go to market (Read Ben Goldacre,Bad Pharma ).


In addition, it is a well-known fact that not everybody gets the full battery of side effects. I'll give you an example. My partner has recently undergone radiotherapy and chemotherapy for cancer. Thank God he is now in remission.He decided to undergo hypnotherapy provided by the Cavendish Trust in Sheffield. The object was to reduce the side effects from the therapy.


Result ?

Not one side effect from the therapy.Some burning of the tissue from the photons-but that cannot be avoided.


Thousands of people take pharmaceuticals for various condition and do not react in an adverse way.

I'm a firm believer in a holistic approach to medicine. However, pharmaceuticals have a part to play in the treatment of people.


This thread is now straying into deconstructing modern medicine.We've come along way in medicine since the days of Paracelsus. A tactic utilised by those who attack allopathic medicine,is to take isolated examples of adverse events and generalise it to the whole field of allopathic medicine.

An historical example of the efficay of pharmaceuticals is that before the development of Protese Inhibitors and Combination Therapy; if a person with HIV infection went on to develop PCJ or Toxoplasmosis they would die.Protease Inhibitors,/Integrase Inhibitors and NNRTIs save lives.The advances in HIV treatment have been brought about by the refinement of Combination Therapy and the reduction of side effects. Gone are the days of AZT monotherapy .

Edited by petemcewan
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Their analysis, published in the BMJ on Tuesday, shows that “medical errors” in hospitals and other health-care facilities are incredibly common and may now be the third-leading cause of death in the United States — claiming 251,000 lives every year, more than respiratory disease, accidents, stroke and Alzheimer’s.


Martin Makary, a professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who led the research, said in an interview that the category includes everything from bad doctors to more systemic issues such as communication breakdowns when patients are handed off from one department to another.


“It boils down to people dying from the care that they receive rather than the disease for which they are seeking care,” Makary said.


The issue of patient safety has been a hot topic in recent years, but it wasn’t always that way. In 1999, an Institute of Medicine report calling preventable medical errors an “epidemic” shocked the medical establishment and led to significant debate about what could be done.


The IOM, based on one study, estimated deaths because of medical errors as high as 98,000 a year. Makary’s research involves a more comprehensive analysis of four large studies, including ones by the Health and Human Services Department’s Office of the Inspector General and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality that took place between 2000 to 2008. His calculation of 251,000 deaths equates to nearly 700 deaths a day — about 9.5 percent of all deaths annually in the United States.

Not isolated examples.

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The list of side effects to this drug is pretty impressive in itself.


Have you experienced any of these after taking the drug?


So by taking a vaccine - of which there are a huge number of cases of documented harm (a lot of the harm is sadly very serious) you are assuming you are going to be protected from that disease. This belief were you to dig deep is a false belief.





Your link is to Wikipaedia and concerns Piriton............ Can you provide a link to explain your statement 'there are a huge number of cases of documented harm' when referring to the 'flu vaccine ?

I prefer to consult information that is reliable and researched.






Edited by Daven
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There are a huge number of documented side effects from vaccines.


Just take the time to watch Vaccination The Hidden Truth for evidence of that.


An Australian doctor on the documentary,i forget his name,mentions that he has saw two kids die shortly after receiving their shots.


In the UK,it has been reported even the mainstream media that hundreds of Government workers fell seriously ill after taking the shots as a condition of their employment.

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