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Flu jab and viral illness

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That article is incorrect, although it has a grain of truth in it.

Cells were obtained from two electively aborted foetuses in 1962 and 1966. From these cells, cell lines have been produced, which are used to produce viruses, which are in turn used to create the vaccines.

The below article is informative, although it too is biased, if you google this issue, several sources say the same thing


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This article is from the Centre of Disease Control.....and guess what? It lists human diploid cells as one of the ingredients.






Not to mention aluminium,mercury and formaldehyde.


They do not call it mercury to fool the masses,it goes by the name thimerosol.

Edited by MAC33
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I was feeling fine then had flu jab and have now been ill for 7 weeks


Started with sinus trouble then cough aching muscles great fatigue


Obviously at this time of year there are many illnesses being passed around


Has anyone else had this??? :rant:


You shouldn't be getting ill fro the flu jab these days. Its not a live virus.


You probably have what is doing the rounds. Everyone in my house has had it and so have friends and family.


Does yourself with zinc and vitamin C. If you can drink hot fresh lemon with honey. Works a treat.

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This article is from the Centre of Disease Control.....and guess what? It lists human diploid cells as one of the ingredients.






Not to mention aluminium,mercury and formaldehyde.


They do not call it mercury to fool the masses,it goes by the name thimerosol.


Thanks for the link, it is interesting to see exactly what ingredients are involved in the production of vaccines, some of them surprised me.

The table says it lists everything used in the manufacture of the vaccines, not just ingredients in the final product. I'm not decided on the issue of vaccination just yet, I would have to do more research.

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All these claims of prevention.....if you dig a bit deeper.....you will find they are just that.....claims.


The flu vaccine is the very best example of that!


There is absolutely no correlation between taking the flu vaccine and protection from the flu.


I do believe there is a clear correlation between taking the flu vaccine and serious ill health.


Be lie ve what you want to believe is so true.

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All these claims of prevention.....if you dig a bit deeper.....you will find they are just that.....claims.


The flu vaccine is the very best example of that!


There is absolutely no correlation between taking the flu vaccine and protection from the flu.


I do believe there is a clear correlation between taking the flu vaccine and serious ill health.


Be lie ve what you want to believe is so true.


So think that it was a complete coincidence that the WHO vaccinated people against smallpox at the same time that smallpox died out. :hihi:

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