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Flu jab and viral illness

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During the drug trials for the Fluzone flu vaccine, 23 seniors out of 3,833 died after receiving the shot, according to the drug's package insert, reported by Health Impact News. Another 226 experienced "serious adverse effects." The manufacturer denies any connection.






Stop with the Sott.net. It is a research tool for experiments. Or maybe you are part of the quantum futures group!


---------- Post added 26-11-2017 at 20:51 ----------


It shows that some Health authorities in the US are now sacking employees for refusing to have the flu jab.


It sets a precedent.


It means that Health authorities over here who share the same view that it's fine to force employees to have a flu jab (by sacking those who don't), will be more likely to push for it.


---------- Post added 26-11-2017 at 18:13 ----------


From the BMJ (British Medical Journal)




'last years Flu jab ineffective for over 65 year olds'


---------- Post added 26-11-2017 at 18:19 ----------


Also from the BMJ




"NHS staff who refuse flu vaccine this winter will have to give reasons"


Increasing the pressure for staff to comply.


This will very likely be a slippery slope to the requirement for all NHS to have the jab, then, using the same reasoning, there will be pressure for everyone to have it, with those resisting being accused of being selfish by not contributing to 'herd immunity'.


As this progresses, those who refuse will be, if employed, sacked, and those are are unemployed, will lose benefits.


That is where things are headed.


Don’t be ridiculous! Employment law in the US is vastly different to that in the UK,there is no comparison.

Beside the myriad of other reasons, do you really think the NHS are going to let nursing staff go when one of their biggest issues is staffing levels?

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Did you bother to read the Express Newspaper link a page or two back?


As a condition of their employment........




Up to 200 doctors, nurses, firefighters, prison officers, police officers, forensic scientists and binmen say they have developed serious physical and mental health problems after injections ESSENTIAL for their work over the past 10 years. All have given up their jobs and some are now 60 per cent disabled.




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Don’t be ridiculous! Employment law in the US is vastly different to that in the UK,there is no comparison.

The pro-enforced vaccine lobbies are pretty much the same though. Once a tactic has been found to be successful in one country, the lobbyists will use it elsewhere.





Beside the myriad of other reasons, do you really think the NHS are going to let nursing staff go when one of their biggest issues is staffing levels?

Yes. Hence my prediction/s in the previous post.


---------- Post added 26-11-2017 at 21:37 ----------


It's good that you've mentioned a slippery slope, because that's the fallacy you've demonstrated.





Slippery slope. A slippery slope argument is not always a fallacy. A slippery slope fallacy is an argument that says adopting one policy or taking one action will lead to a series of other policies or actions also being taken, without showing a causal connection between the advocated policy and the consequent policies. A popular example of the slippery slope fallacy is, "If we legalize marijuana, the next thing you know we'll legalize heroin, LSD, and crack cocaine." This slippery slope is a form of non sequitur, because no reason has been provided for why legalization of one thing leads to legalization of another. Tobacco and alcohol are currently legal, and yet other drugs have somehow remained illegal.


There are a variety of ways to turn a slippery slope fallacy into a valid (or at least plausible) argument. All you need to do is provide some reason why the adoption of one policy will lead to the adoption of another.


I provided causal reasons, hence it was not a fallacy.

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Did you bother to read the Express Newspaper link a page or two back?


As a condition of their employment........




Up to 200 doctors, nurses, firefighters, prison officers, police officers, forensic scientists and binmen say they have developed serious physical and mental health problems after injections ESSENTIAL for their work over the past 10 years. All have given up their jobs and some are now 60 per cent disabled.





I am in one of those professions and have never been told that as a condition of my employment I have to have certain injections, in fact there were recommendations for certain vaccines but I had to pay for them myself if I wanted them.

But you really need better sources than sott.net and the express.

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The pro-enforced vaccine lobbies are pretty much the same though. Once a tactic has been found to be successful in one country, the lobbyists will use it elsewhere.




Yes. Hence my prediction/s in the previous post.


---------- Post added 26-11-2017 at 21:37 ----------








I provided causal reasons, hence it was not a fallacy.


No you didn't, you gave predictions. You even stated that in your post quoted above.

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No you didn't, you gave predictions. You even stated that in your post quoted above.


Yes, I did give predictions. In addition, I gave reasons.


---------- Post added 26-11-2017 at 22:53 ----------


I am in one of those professions and have never been told that as a condition of my employment I have to have certain injections, in fact there were recommendations for certain vaccines but I had to pay for them myself if I wanted them.

No-one's claimed that all Health care workers are forced or pressured to get the flu vaccine, but, that some are.


Some HC workers being pressured is entirely compatible with you not being pressured.

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