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Flu jab and viral illness

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If you have a weakened immune system the last thing you should be doing is directly injecting known poisons like aluminium,mercury and formaldehyde into it.




Formaldehyde is present in the body anyway.


Do you know how much mercury is present in thimerosal? And do you understand just how unreactive and how bioavailable it isn't?


As for inforwars please. It's a trash site promoting trash "science" and conspiracy frootloopery of an order not exceeded even by naturalnews

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I am a nurse but I work in a hospital environment and I know that the uptake of 'flu jabs has been very high in my clinical area by staff of all professions. The vaccine is offered free to 'frontline staff' and we are 'encouraged' to have the jab but it's still a choice. I had mine a few weeks ago - it was given to me by a colleague who visited the ward so no work time was wasted. I was absolutely fine afterwards by the way !

It's disappointing and surprising to hear that GP's are not being more proactive in getting more patients to have their jabs - especially if they are in 'high risk' groups such as the elderly and those with chronic health problems rather than just moaning that they have many vaccines left. Maybe community nurses should be allowed to carry them and offer them to patients they visit who are unable to get to the surgery - if this isn't already done ?

Or maybe they should promote the vaccine more - i.e., ask every patient who visits the surgery to have a jab and give it at the time rather than insisting patients come back another day at a time that is often inconvenient ?

Maybe we should be offering the vaccine to all our patients on the ward whist they are in hospital if they are well enough so as to 'catch' a few more ?


Maybe you should think a bit more about what you are saying.

Patients in hospital are already under a health stress or they would not be there. Patients visiting the doctor are also usually under some form of health stress, or why would they be taking up the doctors time. Community Nurses visit because a person needs some sort of nursing care so the person will not be enjoying the best of health,. Injecting anything that would put a further stress on to an already vulnerable person cannot be a good thing. Vaccinations when they work, work by causing the body to produce antibodies to the disease they are trying to prevent. A person who is already under a health stress will be further stressed by this process.

Why not offer the vaccines to the healthier portion of the population to cut the disease risk, they are the ones running around spreading the viruses not the ones who are not well in the first place. The reason vaccinating hospital staff works well is because they are the ones moving from one vulnerable patient to the next. So it cuts down on transmission rates to patients, just as handwashing does.

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Maybe you should think a bit more about what you are saying.

Patients in hospital are already under a health stress or they would not be there. Patients visiting the doctor are also usually under some form of health stress, or why would they be taking up the doctors time. Community Nurses visit because a person needs some sort of nursing care so the person will not be enjoying the best of health,. Injecting anything that would put a further stress on to an already vulnerable person cannot be a good thing. Vaccinations when they work, work by causing the body to produce antibodies to the disease they are trying to prevent. A person who is already under a health stress will be further stressed by this process.

Why not offer the vaccines to the healthier portion of the population to cut the disease risk, they are the ones running around spreading the viruses not the ones who are not well in the first place. The reason vaccinating hospital staff works well is because they are the ones moving from one vulnerable patient to the next. So it cuts down on transmission rates to patients, just as handwashing does.


This makes sense, when I think back to my bout of shingles after the flu vaccine, I had recently finished a course of steroids, could this have lowered my immunity I wonder? and reactivated the virus.

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Maybe you should think a bit more about what you are saying.

Patients in hospital are already under a health stress or they would not be there. Patients visiting the doctor are also usually under some form of health stress, or why would they be taking up the doctors time. Community Nurses visit because a person needs some sort of nursing care so the person will not be enjoying the best of health,. Injecting anything that would put a further stress on to an already vulnerable person cannot be a good thing. Vaccinations when they work, work by causing the body to produce antibodies to the disease they are trying to prevent. A person who is already under a health stress will be further stressed by this process.

Why not offer the vaccines to the healthier portion of the population to cut the disease risk, they are the ones running around spreading the viruses not the ones who are not well in the first place. The reason vaccinating hospital staff works well is because they are the ones moving from one vulnerable patient to the next. So it cuts down on transmission rates to patients, just as handwashing does.


I think that you're looking at this the wrong way around. The way it works it that you're injecting something to protect a vulnerable person from a potentially catastrophic stress on their body.

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I read somewhere that if you have proper flu you would not bother to pick up a ten pound note you saw on floor! I thought what a load of rubbish until I got real flu and it is true :help:


I agree.

I have had 'flu only once in my life. True 'flu means that you cannot lift your head off the pillow and going to the toilet is like climbing Everest. When I was ill I spent 3 days in bed without anything but drinks and paracetamol. I genuinely thought I was going to die :(

Needless to say, I have had my 'flu jab every year since and have never had a problem apart from a bruised feeling in my arm for a few days.

No excuses - go get your 'flu jab - you know it makes sense !

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I think that you're looking at this the wrong way around. The way it works it that you're injecting something to protect a vulnerable person from a potentially catastrophic stress on their body.


Exactly right - those who are at risk of dying if they get flu are the ones who SHOULD have a flu injection.

My 87 year old Mum has advanced Alzheimers disease - she is very frail but I readily agreed for her to be given the 'flu vaccine. If she got flu it would certainly end her life in a very unpleasant way. She had her injection last week and has been absolutely fine.


---------- Post added 13-11-2015 at 17:01 ----------


]Maybe you should think a bit more about what you are saying.[/b]

Patients in hospital are already under a health stress or they would not be there. Patients visiting the doctor are also usually under some form of health stress, or why would they be taking up the doctors time. Community Nurses visit because a person needs some sort of nursing care so the person will not be enjoying the best of health,. Injecting anything that would put a further stress on to an already vulnerable person cannot be a good thing. Vaccinations when they work, work by causing the body to produce antibodies to the disease they are trying to prevent. A person who is already under a health stress will be further stressed by this process.

Why not offer the vaccines to the healthier portion of the population to cut the disease risk, they are the ones running around spreading the viruses not the ones who are not well in the first place. The reason vaccinating hospital staff works well is because they are the ones moving from one vulnerable patient to the next. So it cuts down on transmission rates to patients, just as handwashing does.

I know exactly what I am talking about thank you.

Those with chronic illness conditions are at great risk of not surviving a bout of flu which is exactly the reason why they should take up the offer of a flu jab. Anyone who is 'under a health stress' will be further stressed by getting flu rather than having a small and quick injection.

Edited by Daven
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Exactly right - those who are at risk of dying if they get flu are the ones who SHOULD have a flu injection.

My 87 year old Mum has advanced Alzheimers disease - she is very frail but I readily agreed for her to be given the 'flu vaccine. If she got flu it would certainly end her life in a very unpleasant way. She had her injection last week and has been absolutely fine.


---------- Post added 13-11-2015 at 17:01 ----------


I know exactly what I am talking about thank you.

Those with chronic illness conditions are at great risk of not surviving a bout of flu which is exactly the reason why they should take up the offer of a flu jab. Anyone who is 'under a health stress' will be further stressed by getting flu rather than having a small and quick injection.


Exactly why they should avoid getting further stressed by having a small and quick injection of substances that can place them under further health stress.


Also, the Influenza Virus has many strains and mutates constantly, so the chances that the vaccination will protect rather than harm are not as great as you may think.

Now we are into the coughing and sneezing season it would be sensible to wear gloves to prevent picking up the bacteria and viral infections that people commonly transfer on to door handles and handrails as well as support points on public transport, and to wash hands on the return home and before eating or drinking.

It is amazing that people think a flu jab is harmless and can protect them from a constantly changing virus and neglect the common hygiene practice of wearing gloves, while denying the principles of Homoeopathy(using a small amount of something that produces the symptoms of the disease to kick start the immune system) exactly the same principle as vaccination uses, can help with disease treatment.

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Exactly why they should avoid getting further stressed by having a small and quick injection of substances that can place them under further health stress.


Also, the Influenza Virus has many strains and mutates constantly, so the chances that the vaccination will protect rather than harm are not as great as you may think.

Now we are into the coughing and sneezing season it would be sensible to wear gloves to prevent picking up the bacteria and viral infections that people commonly transfer on to door handles and handrails as well as support points on public transport, and to wash hands on the return home and before eating or drinking.


Flu spreads mainly by droplet infection. Washing hands is going to do very little to stop you from catching it. If you stopped breathing in public that would help.




It is amazing that people think a flu jab is harmless


Might be because it is actually, harmless.


and can protect them from a constantly changing virus


Might be that the vaccine changes...


and neglect the common hygiene practice of wearing gloves, while denying the principles of Homoeopathy


Homoeopathy has zero credibility at all. It is complete and utter ****** and anyone seriously practicing it is a charlatan, a fool, and a fraud. It has no known method of working, has no known effects better than placebo and has zero efficacy against any disease at all.




(using a small amount of something that produces the symptoms of the disease to kick start the immune system) exactly the same principle as vaccination uses, can help with disease treatment.


You don't understand what vaccination is.

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So you still believe the flu vaccine is harmless obelix?




One child, aged 1, remains in a coma in a Perth hospital.

He couldn't cry - his head was hanging down in the car seat and he couldn't move. I was petrified - it was one of the worst experiences of my life.


Commonwealth chief health officer Professor Jim Bishop yesterday announced the suspension while authorities urgently review data from around the country.

WA's chief public health officer Tarun Weeramanthri has defended the response time in closing down the state's juvenile flu vaccine program amid revelations that children were presenting with convulsions more than two weeks ago.



Rogue batch may be to blame

National warning to GPs

Perth mum: 'I was petrified'

WA free vaccine program suspended


More than 60 children around the state may have had adverse reactions to the vaccine, including fevers, vomiting and febrile convulsions - a type of fit brought on by a high fever.

One child remains in a critical condition in hospital after being given the vaccine. Dr Weeramanthri said he had few details on the child's condition but they were "seriously ill".

He said a national process set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration had been observed in responding to the reactions. Under the process the best clinical information was collected from as many doctors as possible and an assessment made on the "totality of that".

"We take all reports very seriously and we believe we've acted in a very timely fashion," Dr Weeramanthri said.

"We've been monitoring the situation, we've been talking to clinicians and we've acted as soon as we can."

He said that since this year's vaccine program started a month ago, 23 children under the age of 10 had presented to Princess Margaret Hospital with convulsions related to vaccinations they had received less than 12 hours before.

Another 40 convulsion cases had been detected in the past month in children at other metropolitan hospitals and in Bunbury. Doctors are now working to determine how many of those children received the flu vaccine.



Read more: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/flu-vaccination-ban-goes-national-after-fever-convulsions-in-children-20100422-tglp.html#ixzz3rRWp7YyM

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Edited by MAC33
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So you still believe the flu vaccine is harmless obelix?


It's as harmless as anything else out there.


You can buy contaminated vaccines. You can buy contaminated food. If you can your own food you can still get it wrong and end up with botulism or e. coli...


The controls on vaccination are considerably stronger than those on food. So if you are worried about vaccination in that regard, you best stop eating as well...

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