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Flu jab and viral illness

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It's as harmless as anything else out there.


You can buy contaminated vaccines. You can buy contaminated food. If you can your own food you can still get it wrong and end up with botulism or e. coli...




I dare say there might even be a small possibility of being able to buy some contaminated homeopathic remedy which actually does contain some small trace of the substance which it's supposed to contain. It's not going to make it any more efficacious though.


---------- Post added 16-11-2015 at 13:28 ----------


I have the flu vaccine pretty much every year (ie. I have forgotten once in the last few years). The side effects have ranged from nothing at all, to a slightly achey arm, to once or twice feeling quite groggy.


I've also had influenza on a few occasions - including one season when I had already received the vaccination (you know what Margerita Ma, we do know that viruses mutate and that the vaccination doesn't catch every single strain - it's not big news).


Having experienced the two, I can assure you that it's a very easy decision.

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It's as harmless as anything else out there.


You can buy contaminated vaccines. You can buy contaminated food. If you can your own food you can still get it wrong and end up with botulism or e. coli...


The controls on vaccination are considerably stronger than those on food. So if you are worried about vaccination in that regard, you best stop eating as well...


Well I am Coeliac Your re-assurance if that is what it is meant to be is of no comfort. Despite Coeliac Disease being known about for fourty years or more I was not tested, even after many visits to the doctor, they preferred to refer me for a barium bowel investigation(potentially embarrassing for some people but not me) I was only diagnosed after asking for the test when I learned about Coeliac disease on a diagnostic symptoms checker site. You would not believe the amount of Alert emails I get from the food safety agency regarding manufactured foods.


There is great potential for the vaccine to become harmful even if it is thought to be harmless when dispatched from the manufacturer. I won't go into it here, as you are obviously completely indoctrinated and I am wasting my valuable time and energy.

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Well I am Coeliac Your re-assurance if that is what it is meant to be is of no comfort. Despite Coeliac Disease being known about for fourty years or more I was not tested, even after many visits to the doctor, they preferred to refer me for a barium bowel investigation(potentially embarrassing for some people but not me) I was only diagnosed after asking for the test when I learned about Coeliac disease on a diagnostic symptoms checker site. You would not believe the amount of Alert emails I get from the food safety agency regarding manufactured foods.


And yet, I assume you continue to eat, knowing that the risk of ill-health from not eating anything is far worse than the likely risk from you judiciously eating foods which you are told are gluten-free. That seems like a sensible decision


Similarly, many people take the sensible decision to take the low-risk strategy of getting a flu vaccination to increase their immunity from a serious illness - a serious illess I might add, which has much higher occurrence of serious symptoms than the vaccine has of serious side effects.

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I will copy again from the link I posted on the previous page.


But first I have not heard from anyone being harmed in such numbers ( 60 plus) from eating contaminated food in one small area .


Read again...


More than 60 children around the state may have had adverse reactions to the vaccine, including fevers, vomiting and febrile convulsions - a type of fit brought on by a high fever.

One child remains in a critical condition in hospital after being given the vaccine. Dr Weeramanthri said he had few details on the child's condition but they were "seriously ill".

He said a national process set by the Therapeutic Goods Administration had been observed in responding to the reactions. Under the process the best clinical information was collected from as many doctors as possible and an assessment made on the "totality of that".

"We take all reports very seriously and we believe we've acted in a very timely fashion," Dr Weeramanthri said.

"We've been monitoring the situation, we've been talking to clinicians and we've acted as soon as we can."

He said that since this year's vaccine program started a month ago, 23 children under the age of 10 had presented to Princess Margaret Hospital with convulsions related to vaccinations they had received less than 12 hours before.

Another 40 convulsion cases had been detected in the past month in children at other metropolitan hospitals and in Bunbury. Doctors are now working to determine how many of those children received the flu vaccine.

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I will copy again from the link I posted on the previous page.


But first I have not heard from anyone being harmed in such numbers ( 60 plus) from eating contaminated food in one small area .


I wasn't aware that you'd asked for such examples, but if that's what you want, then you only need to look here for some recent examples.


Also, posting an extremely out of date article and passing it off as current fact doesn't give your argument more credibility. Effectively, your post is false, since the one child concerned doesn't remain in a critical condition. As it is, those children were extremely unwell as a result of having been given a particular vaccine which should not have been given - five years ago. That doesn't say anything at all about all the other flu vaccines which have been given, except that hopefully the drug companies and regulators will have learnt the lessons which that particular company ignored.


In the meantime, lots of people, including children, have avoided getting flu. Result.

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Most people have never had 'real' flu in their entire lives...I had it once, many years ago when I was about 25 and it completely knocks you on your back for getting on for a week...


Yes, since then I've had varying forms of cold, and sore throat and not feeling very well...But 'true' flu is dreadful and you certain'y know about it if you are unfortunate enough to get it.


Manflu...Now that can be terminal, as any bloke will tell you!...A whole different kettle of fish :)


Similarly, I'm 66 yrs. I've had the proper flu 4 times. It's debilitating . Usually 2wks in bed and 2-3 wks converlessing . You ache in :every joint.fever and congestion , weight loss due to raging temperature (body goes into overdrive).hallucinations (because of fever) temporary loss of bowel control (although not in every case) coughing continuously -which exhaust's you and muscle weakness and pain. You know that it's not just a cold.

Historical point. It's not unknown for some vaccines to caude serious side effects. And for some treatments to be next to useless (remember, Tammy Flu)

NB. Tammy Flu might be spelt differently.

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Then you have to worry about contracting narcolepsy.


800 confirmed cases in Europe alone!


Suppose you can get that too from food.





Given that the risk even with that particular drug - which has now been withdrawn in favour of ones which don't have that risk - is small compared with the risk of getting flu, and given that the same mechanism which it is thought caused those cases is likely to have caused narcolepsy in people who contracted flu, no I don't have to worry about it at all.


And why are you so obsessed with comparing the risks of a flu vaccine with eating - it's merely been suggested that advocating (as I believe is Obelix) that eating is a very sensible trade-off of the small risks of adverse reactions to food compared with those of starvation (and that a similar very straightforward trade-off applies to vaccination).


---------- Post added 16-11-2015 at 16:35 ----------


And for some treatments to be next to useless (remember, Tammy Flu)

NB. Tammy Flu might be spelt differently.


Well, that's a very different issue, and the jury is very much still out on that. And the best way to prevent being in a position where you need to see whether Tamiflu would be effective or not is to be vaccinated against influenza.

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Well I am Coeliac


With all due respect... so what?


Your re-assurance if that is what it is meant to be is of no comfort. Despite Coeliac Disease being known about for fourty years or more I was not tested, even after many visits to the doctor, they preferred to refer me for a barium bowel investigation(potentially embarrassing for some people but not me) I was only diagnosed after asking for the test when I learned about Coeliac disease on a diagnostic symptoms checker site. You would not believe the amount of Alert emails I get from the food safety agency regarding manufactured foods. .



Before you dig yourself a deeper hole I feel honour bound to point out I was one of the first people in the UK to be diagnosed with coeliac disease so I'm pretty well up on what it is, and it's nothing special.


There is great potential for the vaccine to become harmful even if it is thought to be harmless when dispatched from the manufacturer. I won't go into it here, as you are obviously completely indoctrinated and I am wasting my valuable time and energy.


So just consider this - you get - quite rightly like me a lot of emails and notifications about food cross contamination, we all see the recall notices on shelves about food that's been withdrawn etc...


How many have you seen or heard about in the last ten years for medications?


Not many. Reason being is that they are inherently safe and the quality control is incredibly good meaning that ones that are dangerous are caught and removed before they are issued for prescribing.

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It's rather bizarre that you've got Margarita trying to convince people that flu vaccinations should be avoided, citing the abundance of food contamination scares, and meanwhile you've got MAC33 trying to argue the same conclusion based on their perceived lack of food contamination scares; neither of which is in the slightest bit relevant.


Meanwhile they are arguing that we should all be terrified of dead viruses and the strain that they would put on our bodies, that when viruses result in the eradication of diseases it's coincidence - yet when there are reported side-effects it's definitely not coincidence - and that instead of being vaccinated we should be wearing gloves, taking sugar pills and drinking expensive water, and apparently not be in the slightest bit concerned about live airborne viruses with known extremely serious symptoms.

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