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Yorkshire Dole..you wound up too?


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Is anyone else watching this program and spitting feathers like me? That fat lass getting £980 a month of our hard earned taxes and complaining that it is not enough to pay for her trips to hospital....yet she doesn't seem to have a problem paying for the cigarettes. Loose some weight love and you will be able to stand up, it is a very simple equation that cannot be disputed, burn more calories than you eat and you cannot get fat....fact! Same goes for the two younger woman who can't get a job but quite clearly have enough money to be smoking. Take a look at yourself and spend that money making a better life for your child, the rest of us aren't meant to keep you in cigarettes. This sounds like a rant because it is one!!

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Is anyone else watching this program and spitting feathers like me? That fat lass getting £980 a month of our hard earned taxes and complaining that it is not enough to pay for her trips to hospital....yet she doesn't seem to have a problem paying for the cigarettes. Loose some weight love and you will be able to stand up, it is a very simple equation that cannot be disputed, burn more calories than you eat and you cannot get fat....fact! Same goes for the two younger woman who can't get a job but quite clearly have enough money to be smoking. Take a look at yourself and spend that money making a better life for your child, the rest of us aren't meant to keep you in cigarettes. This sounds like a rant because it is one!!


The whole point of the TV program was to find some extreme cases so it can wind people up. It seems like it succeeded.

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It's all a figment of your imagination - these people don't exist. :)


I haven't seen the programme, but I've seen other programmes like it (of which there seem to be many), and I'll take the OPs word for it - they exist!

What annoys me about such programmes is that they select the individuals who fit the programme maker's agenda, rather than a broad range of people with different circumstances - like a cross section.

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I haven't seen the programme, but I've seen other programmes like it (of which there seem to be many), and I'll take the OPs word for it - they exist!

What annoys me about such programmes is that they select the individuals who fit the programme maker's agenda, rather than a broad range of people with different circumstances - like a cross section.


These TV producers don't seem to have any great difficulty finding such people.

There was an entire street of them on TV last year.


Even when the BBC try to find a sympathetic case of chronically workless people, the best they can do is find a family who refuse to retrain and complain about being short of cash with a very big TV, full sky sports subscription and a budget for booze and fags far bigger than mine.

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I haven't seen the programme, but I've seen other programmes like it (of which there seem to be many), and I'll take the OPs word for it - they exist!

What annoys me about such programmes is that they select the individuals who fit the programme maker's agenda, rather than a broad range of people with different circumstances - like a cross section.


Its Tabloid TV. Just like all the dung that is splattered across ITV2 / Really / MTV / CBS / TLC and the like.


Its like the broadcast version of Chat or Take a Break. Channel 5 has become a terrestrial version of it. It was bad enough when the Porn publisher Desmond owned the network. Now its owned by the same parent company as MTV its only gonna get worse.


Shock titles / extreme examples / grotesque characters designed for the sole purpose of pointing and gossiping about the next day round the office kettle.


The fact that this particular dross has the word Yorkshire in the title aint gonna get to me.


I just miss it like I have done the other 200+ .................... on the dole programmes.

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They love to make programmes like this, all about the scroungers and free loaders, benefits this, and benefits that..... the thing is, have you realised that they dont make documentaries about the real scroungers? the big multinational corps and billionaires who get away with paying no tax, whilst we are fighting amongst ourselves for scraps we dont look above and see the real thieves

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I haven't seen the programme, but I've seen other programmes like it (of which there seem to be many), and I'll take the OPs word for it - they exist!

What annoys me about such programmes is that they select the individuals who fit the programme maker's agenda, rather than a broad range of people with different circumstances - like a cross section.


They made a similar program located in Scunthorpe a few years ago and the majority who were good honest Scunthorpe citizens objected to the bad image the program portrayed on the town so they relocated to Grimsby .

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