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Yorkshire Dole..you wound up too?


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They love to make programmes like this, all about the scroungers and free loaders, benefits this, and benefits that..... the thing is, have you realised that they dont make documentaries about the real scroungers? the big multinational corps and billionaires who get away with paying no tax, whilst we are fighting amongst ourselves for scraps we dont look above and see the real thieves


Because nobody is interested. They don't sell tv deals. They don't sell papers and magazines compared to some fat slob waddling her way between the dole office, bookies and chippy.


If you tried to make a documentary about the hugely complicated world of corporate tax affairs, set out the masses of the legislation and contractual obligations, the financial structure and corporate operations and see how many people would tune in week after week.


Even if they did, fact is that they would still turn up the next day and buy their coffee or order their online goods.


Face it, how many times have Starbucks been publically shamed in print, online, on television and on the streets for their tax affairs. Do you see the queues getting any smaller each day? I certainly don't.


If people were really that bothered they would do something about it.


Until then, its just the same.


People have a moment of 'Oh Dearism' for 20 minutes. A bit of faux outrage online for a couple of comments boards and then back to business as usual the next day.

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They love to make programmes like this, all about the scroungers and free loaders, benefits this, and benefits that..... the thing is, have you realised that they dont make documentaries about the real scroungers? the big multinational corps and billionaires who get away with paying no tax, whilst we are fighting amongst ourselves for scraps we dont look above and see the real thieves



I think doing a documentary about tax evasion probably involves a fair amount of skills in investigative journalism, and the belief that the public might be curious about such matters. Much easier to go to a deprived area and promise £50 quid for appearing on a cheapo TV programme that winds the public up.

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Its Tabloid TV. Just like all the dung that is splattered across ITV2 / Really / MTV / CBS / TLC and the like.


Its like the broadcast version of Chat or Take a Break. Channel 5 has become a terrestrial version of it. It was bad enough when the Porn publisher Desmond owned the network. Now its owned by the same parent company as MTV its only gonna get worse.


Shock titles / extreme examples / grotesque characters designed for the sole purpose of pointing and gossiping about the next day round the office kettle.


The fact that this particular dross has the word Yorkshire in the title aint gonna get to me.


I just miss it like I have done the other 200+ .................... on the dole programmes.


It's cheap to produce Television , a little like Bargain Hunt .

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It's all a figment of your imagination - these people don't exist. :)


Lets remove all benefits from everyone. That'll teach the tiny tiny minority of people who take the michael... shame it also tars and feathers the vast majority of everyday people just trying to survive too eh?


As JFKvsNixon said these programs exist to find the outliers and pretend they're the norm, because many people are outrage-junkies and it sells TV shows just as easily as it sells newspapers such as the Daily Mail. Back in Victorian times these people would have been visiting the freak shows to get their fix.


It also helps the Government to sell their ideology when all many people ever see are the very worst examples the professional muck-rakers can find but that's just pure coincidence... isn't it?

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