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Yorkshire Dole..you wound up too?


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If you seriously believe this you are either very naive or have lived a very sheltered life. This is the tip of the iceberg mate. :roll:


I really do not want to be the person who bursts your bubble, but I guess you need to find out sooner or later. I do feel like the person who has to break the news about Father Christmas not being real.


The whole point of the program was to sell advertising space by getting as many people watching it as possible. In order to do this they fell back on the tried and tested formula off winding up the impressionable by sensationalising a topical issue.


From the comments that people are making, the people highlighted in the program do need an good kick up the backside, but don't fall into the trap of thinking that they are representative of people who are "on the dole". They have as much in common with the average person who are out of work as the Big Brother contestants have with me and you.


So please do not be fooled into thinking that it was an informative program that explored the pertinent issues.

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Lets remove all benefits from everyone. That'll teach the tiny tiny minority of people who take the michael... shame it also tars and feathers the vast majority of everyday people just trying to survive too eh?


As JFKvsNixon said these programs exist to find the outliers and pretend they're the norm, because many people are outrage-junkies and it sells TV shows just as easily as it sells newspapers such as the Daily Mail. Back in Victorian times these people would have been visiting the freak shows to get their fix.


It also helps the Government to sell their ideology when all many people ever see are the very worst examples the professional muck-rakers can find but that's just pure coincidence... isn't it?


Quoted for truth

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but don't fall into the trap of thinking that they are representative of people who are "on the dole".


I've not fallen into any trap, I've just pointed out that this is more widespread than people think. I know people who do it, I work with people who know people who do it and I know people who know people who do it. You have obviously fallen into the trap of thinking only 3 people do it because they were the only ones on the program.

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I've not fallen into any trap, I've just pointed out that this is more widespread than people think. I know people who do it, I work with people who know people who do it and I know people who know people who do it. You have obviously fallen into the trap of thinking only 3 people do it because they were the only ones on the program.


Are you sure you don't just all know the same 3 people ? ;)

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My op seems to have taken a few twists and turns. I understand that this is sensationalist TV but they can produce it because it happens. I do not have any particular political persuasion, I vote for what I think is the best at the time. However, when I see these people spending mine and your money on cigarettes, drinks and pay TV channels it really does infuriate me. It is obvious for those that are doing this that they are being GIVEN too much and actually makes me sympathetic to the cuts being brought in. As for the corporate tax dodges, I feel no less animosity. You won't catch me buying a coffee in Starbucks, ordering from Amazon or buying a burger in McDonalds...and there is another irony....a lot of people who use our money to buy cigarettes and alcohol also buy McDonalds.......and probably went there in a taxi!! I think those girls getting in a cab on that program after doing their shopping was really what tipped me over the edge. I don't get a cab normally, only on special occasions or late nights. They were out food shopping for gods sake!!

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My op seems to have taken a few twists and turns. I understand that this is sensationalist TV but they can produce it because it happens. I do not have any particular political persuasion, I vote for what I think is the best at the time. However, when I see these people spending mine and your money on cigarettes, drinks and pay TV channels it really does infuriate me. It is obvious for those that are doing this that they are being GIVEN too much and actually makes me sympathetic to the cuts being brought in. As for the corporate tax dodges, I feel no less animosity. You won't catch me buying a coffee in Starbucks, ordering from Amazon or buying a burger in McDonalds...and there is another irony....a lot of people who use our money to buy cigarettes and alcohol also buy McDonalds.......and probably went there in a taxi!! I think those girls getting in a cab on that program after doing their shopping was really what tipped me over the edge. I don't get a cab normally, only on special occasions or late nights. They were out food shopping for gods sake!!

Those people aren't representative of everyone on benefits, but there are a good proportion that they do represent. The TV companies seem to look for certain characteristics, bone idle, thick as a brick and usually a sense of entitlement, Jeremy Kyle uses the same formula.

I'm always amazed at how someone can have such little self respect to allow themselves to be seen like, I wonder if they are paid?

Incidentally, what tipped us over the edge was that bloke saying he couldn't work because he had chest problems, while rolling a fag. Then to make it worse him going on sickness benefit. What a great system.

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I watched this last night.


Real trash TV. This was the worst I've seen, but then it is Yorkshire so they're going to make it look bad :hihi:


I thought it was laughable from start to finish, but though not typical of someone on the dole, it picked out a couple of types of people, who are quite common. The work-dodger - the bloke smoking (blaming everyone and everything else), and a thick one - the fat woman (blaming everyone and everything else). The comment from the woman about not affording to go into hospikal [because TV was too expensive] actually made me laugh out loud.


The single mums is so common that not worth commenting on other than my perhaps old fashioned view about Dad's contributing to their child.

Edited by *_ash_*
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