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What Has Happened To The Left?

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I was always to the left, especially when I was much younger. There's a saying that if you're not a communist by the time you're 18, there's something wrong with your heart. But if you're still one when you're 28 there's something wrong with your head.


I agree with this.


I always see the left as more compassionate as they argue for the rights of the poor and disadvantaged.


In recent years though they seem to have gotten very nasty, hateful really. Anyone with a different opinion is subject to a barrage of abuse.


I'm talking about the followers of the left, not the leaders like Corbyn etc.


This is most visible on the comments sections of newspapers....


Have you noticed?

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No, I can't say that I have. In my opinion it's the right wingers who come across as heartness <REMOVED>, and they seem to be getting worse.


However, I do think people in general seem to be getting harder. I think it's a lot to do with the government playing off one section of society against another - divide and conquer, and both positions are becoming more extreme and entrenched.

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Corruption has killed many leftist movements, spend all day preaching about equality, rights, fairness but have their hand in the till the entire time.


People eventually got bored of the same old same old, just like with the Unions back in the day - they said they were supporting the average working man but in the end they all just wanted to play politics, everyone lost their job so these clowns could attempt to make some kind of stupid point.


I think many still agree in principal with leftist policies, but in reality they always end up warped, corrupted and a shadow of their former self.

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So Anna you don't agree with Mikes statement that includes the comment that lefties have cecome nasty and hateful and that anyone with different opinions is open to a barrage of abuse.

Yet you then call people who have the opposite opinion to you heartless "removed"?


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Thank you for my first laugh of the day :)

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No, I can't say that I have. In my opinion it's the right wingers who come across as heartness <REMOVED>, and they seem to be getting worse..


Irony much?


I get a constant barrage of "comedy" spam pictures, of Cameron doing things to a pig, Camerspam, memes about Osbourne....


Don't get any about Corbyn. Never saw them about Blair, or Brown or Milliband.


Then of course there are the people on here who love to be abuse about people by calling them sCameron, Cameroon, Tony B.Liar etc.


All from the left leaning side shall we say.


The Left are the "nasty" party however much they protest otherwise, and they are the only mainstream people whom I've seen openly abusing people and carrying our vendettas. Witness the riots in London - always the Left having a bit of a barney.

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No, I can't say that I have. In my opinion it's the right wingers who come across as heartness <REMOVED>, and they seem to be getting worse.


However, I do think people in general seem to be getting harder. I think it's a lot to do with the government playing off one section of society against another - divide and conquer, and both positions are becoming more extreme and entrenched.


I'm not so much talking about leaders of the left, more about the activists.


I dont think that being right wing makes you heartless as well.


The Right's bedrock principles are, I think..


Regulated Immigration.

Market Forces

Low Public Spending

Low Taxes


Nuclear deterrent.

(There's more of course)


I think its a bit old hat to think they promote these because they want to make the rich richer, they encourage these because they think it will make everyone richer, even the rich..

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I was always to the left, especially when I was much younger. There's a saying that if you're not a communist by the time you're 18, there's something wrong with your heart. But if you're still one when you're 28 there's something wrong with your head.


I agree with this.


I always see the left as more compassionate as they argue for the rights of the poor and disadvantaged.


In recent years though they seem to have gotten very nasty, hateful really. Anyone with a different opinion is subject to a barrage of abuse.


I'm talking about the followers of the left, not the leaders like Corbyn etc.


This is most visible on the comments sections of newspapers....


Have you noticed?



Think your are simply wrong. Perhaps it depends where you are getting your feedback from and the forums you frequent.


Your original question about whats happened to the left is more interesting.


Imo people are naturally conservative and especially in times of economic hardship Id say the middle ground has moved right as economic propserity has increased and this country does not have the social cohesion that say the Scandinavian countrues have. Individualism and personal goals are emphasised, whilst ideas like society, community etc are shunned.


The politicians of the left (I think all politicians) are pretty woeful so there is just a lack of political leadership. Corby managed to win becayse he had ideas and conviction, which appealed to the core, but that will not get him elected appealing to a small minority.


The left as you talk about it has gone for good of we ever had it in this country. The new left will be much further right, becayse the middle ground has moved right. there always has to be an opposition, so you will get the situation like America where there version of left is more akin to the Conservaives.


The recessions means people look out for themselves and try and survive. They dont have the niceties of looking out for others. Some of those others do themselves no favours by making it easy to dislike them by expecting to be taken care of by the welfare state when in some instances they take no responsibility for their situation.


It will be interesting to see how many responders can post about this subject without political point scoring.


---------- Post added 10-11-2015 at 12:30 ----------


Irony much?


I get a constant barrage of "comedy" spam pictures, of Cameron doing things to a pig, Camerspam, memes about Osbourne....


Don't get any about Corbyn. Never saw them about Blair, or Brown or Milliband.


Then of course there are the people on here who love to be abuse about people by calling them sCameron, Cameroon, Tony B.Liar etc.


All from the left leaning side shall we say.


The Left are the "nasty" party however much they protest otherwise, and they are the only mainstream people whom I've seen openly abusing people and carrying our vendettas. Witness the riots in London - always the Left having a bit of a barney.


Couldnt disagree more, the fact you think its one side only. You must be blind if you think its only Cameron who gets abuse.


---------- Post added 10-11-2015 at 12:39 ----------


I'm not so much talking about leaders of the left, more about the activists.


I dont think that being right wing makes you heartless as well.


The Right's bedrock principles are, I think..


Regulated Immigration.

Market Forces

Low Public Spending

Low Taxes


Nuclear deterrent.

(There's more of course)


I think its a bit old hat to think they promote these because they want to make the rich richer, they encourage these because they think it will make everyone richer, even the rich..


Whichever government is in power has regulated immigration, differences are how and who.


Both sides recognise market forces, but they differ on the level at which government might intervene.


Differences un piblic spending are just as much about on what as to how much, but I think a difference is in one believe in smaller government than the other.


Nuclear deterrent I dont think thats either a right or left wing idea. Putting aside Corbyns views as a pacifist, then there are many right wing government who have no nuclear deterrent, but that doesnt make them any less right wing.


Im also convinced about the purity of intention about wanting to make everyone else richer, just as I am about the left wnating to be all cuddly. Politics is trubal and full of self interest groups who tend to take priority however they brush it up. Some groups are more equal than others, becayse thats what politics is.

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The hard left think of their political opponents as nasty and heartless. They are therefore worthy of abuse.

The hard right think of their political opponents as stupid. They often respond with a mixture of patronising, and ignoring.


I suppose how you perceive this depends on whether you're the sort of person more offended by being thought of and addressed as evil or stupid.

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