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What Has Happened To The Left?

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I said there were left wing thickos too. I'm not labeling or being tribal. Just stating facts.


And you prove my point yet again - because I've said some right wingers are think they must all be thick? You are saying that, not me.


You are projecting your lack of nuanced thought onto me. Very strange.


You never said "some" though.


You said:


"Just a hit piece designed to push buttons and the button pushing works. It's designed to appeal to the simple minded and appeal it does."



Why not:


"Just a hit piece designed to push buttons and the button pushing works in some cases. It's designed to appeal to the simple minded and appeal it does to some ."



Also, please refrain from criticising my thought processes.

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You never said "some" though.


You said:


"Just a hit piece designed to push buttons and the button pushing works. It's designed to appeal to the simple minded and appeal it does."



Why not:


"Just a hit piece designed to push buttons and the button pushing works in some cases. It's designed to appeal to the simple minded and appeal it does to some ."



Also, please refrain from criticising my thought processes.


Why? I don't have to pepper every sentence with conciliatory phrases. You don't. Nor does the Daily Mail.

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Why? I don't have to pepper every sentence with conciliatory phrases. You don't. Nor does the Daily Mail.


Exactly. So just because a right winger implies there are benefit scroungers, for example, without specifically stating *some*, it doesn't mean he/she is saying they ALL are. But as a binary left winger, that's how you interpret it. :hihi:


---------- Post added 11-11-2015 at 21:24 ----------


If you fail to do so, surely it shows that you see things in black and white. :)


Beat me to it! :hihi:

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Its not only about threats and abuse. There is also issues, like those going on in universities, where white men were excluded from the building, for example. Its just a more subtle type of intimidation and unfairness. The point here is that they think it is justified.

I was looking at the C4 News site earlier and there's another example in the USA. There was a protest by religious groups, I think, about Halloween costumes being offensive. A heated argument when a professor refused to go along with the ban. A news crew are trying to film and one women starts screaming they can't film here and to she appeals for "muscle" to remove them...


People who go to gay pride marches with banners claiming that 'God hates fags' think they are justified.

People who stand outside the funerals of gay men with banners claiming that 'God hates fags' in sight of the bereaved think they're justified.

Anti Abortion protestors screaming 'Murderer' to women as they leave clinics think they're justified.


Yes banning men from attending a talk at a university is puerile and silly, and easy to lampoon as 'political correctness gone mad'. But that 'subtle type of unfairness' you highlighted is outweighed by the grotesque examples of the religious right in America, whose hate includes hanging round graveyards to prey on the bereaved.


Although America doesn't have a high profile left, like Northern European countries have - their politics, particularly on the right is infused with religion, and that makes for particularly nasty politics.

Edited by Mister M
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Although America doesn't have a high profile left, like Northern European countries have - their politics, particularly on the right is infused with religion, and that makes for particularly nasty politics.



Yes, although there are plenty of much worse examples of the above, but America is often the preferred target of the left.

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Yes, although there are plenty of much worse examples of the above, but America is often the preferred target of the left.


Yes it was very naughty of me picking examples of grotesqueness visited on persecuted minorities by the religious right. And that it happens in America too. That poor, oppressed country.

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I'm not racist - just a patriot that wants my country back.


---------- Post added 11-11-2015 at 19:55 ----------



Blue eyes are natural. Most British people have blue eyes and that's a sign of belonging to this country.


Blue eyes are a single point mutation.




Which occured at least 6000 years ago, and is shared amongst most of Western Europe...


and blue eyes are a trait of the Baltics...



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To answer the original poster The left have become un-electable.

To obtain an elected majority they would have to hold 51% 0f the votes cast.

Unfortunately this never equates to 51% of the population due to apathy on behalf of many of the electorate. (right and left)

What we are now seeing is uncontrolled conservatism due to voters in the last election failing to realise what we had was possibly the better of the ideological stand-offs.

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