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What Has Happened To The Left?

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I was always to the left, especially when I was much younger. There's a saying that if you're not a communist by the time you're 18, there's something wrong with your heart. But if you're still one when you're 28 there's something wrong with your head.


I agree with this.


I always see the left as more compassionate as they argue for the rights of the poor and disadvantaged.


In recent years though they seem to have gotten very nasty, hateful really. Anyone with a different opinion is subject to a barrage of abuse.


I'm talking about the followers of the left, not the leaders like Corbyn etc.


This is most visible on the comments sections of newspapers....


Have you noticed?


I think they always were but in the past there was a good reason for it. In the past they attacked Thatcher who was a hateful vile person who simply went out of her way to make a point and attack people.


However now the tories are actually more like the old tories were pre Thatcher the left are still hate filled and vindictive.


Also they never seem to understand why these policies are implemented.


Firstly they attack the Trade Union bill but dont understand its to prevent Londoners being held to ransom by the RMT


They attack the scrapping of the EUHCR but dont understand its being replaced by a British Bill of Rights to prevent criminals from voting and allow us to expel those who do us harm.


And with these two and others they blame the tories for it. Yet its the British people that is crying out for these changes not the Tories.


Anyone who does not agree with Labour or the left is evil and despicable in their eyes.

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The hard left think of their political opponents as nasty and heartless. They are therefore worthy of abuse.

The hard right think of their political opponents as stupid. They often respond with a mixture of patronising, and ignoring.


I suppose how you perceive this depends on whether you're the sort of person more offended by being thought of and addressed as evil or stupid.


But the attributes each side attaches to their opponents is relative to the position they are in i.e haves and have nots. You are missing two importnat groups out though, those in the middle and those who have given up on politics or feel both sides are as bad as each other. I missed a third out and those are specific interest groups like UKIP who are very driven by the EU and controlling immigration. This means they attract people across the range, who agree only on those points.

Edited by 999tigger
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Irony much?


I get a constant barrage of "comedy" spam pictures, of Cameron doing things to a pig, Camerspam, memes about Osbourne....


Don't get any about Corbyn. Never saw them about Blair, or Brown or Milliband.


Then of course there are the people on here who love to be abuse about people by calling them sCameron, Cameroon, Tony B.Liar etc.


All from the left leaning side shall we say.


The Left are the "nasty" party however much they protest otherwise, and they are the only mainstream people whom I've seen openly abusing people and carrying our vendettas. Witness the riots in London - always the Left having a bit of a barney.


Put up election posters in 4 gardens round Heeley. One Tory, one UKIP, one Libden, one Labour. Go to bed and see which ones are still there in the morning.

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The trouble at the moment is that there aren't any high profile but capable moderate left wingers in this country.


But the far left has always been as dodgy as the far right plus the left has always attracted people for sanctimonious rather than genuine reasons.

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But the attributes each side attaches to their opponents is relative to the position they are in i.e haves and have nots. You are missing two importnat groups out though, those in the middle and those who have given up on politics or feel both sides are as bad as each other.


All those nice Liberal Democrats are hiding behind the fence, all that is left are the nasty Tory party(and UKIP) and some raving left wingers. :hihi:

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The trouble at the moment is that there aren't any high profile but capable moderate left wingers in this country.


But the far left has always been as dodgy as the far right plus the left has always attracted people for sanctimonious rather than genuine reasons.


Completely agree. The only situation I can think of where the left has made a rise is in Greece with Syriza, but a lurch one way or the other is often reactionary to where one side has been in power for a long time.

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Couldnt disagree more, the fact you think its one side only. You must be blind if you think its only Cameron who gets abuse.


Yeah - might actually help if you read what I said. Not what you thought, or would have liked me to have said.


I never said that it was just Cameron did I - I do believe I mentioned Brown and Blair in there as well.. So your assertion that I think it's only Cameron that gets abuse, fails at the first hurdle....


---------- Post added 10-11-2015 at 13:01 ----------


Anyway be interesting to see if people can respond without it resorting to the usual political point scoring.


Perhaps you could stop then yourself. That would be a start...


---------- Post added 10-11-2015 at 13:03 ----------


Put up election posters in 4 gardens round Heeley. One Tory, one UKIP, one Libden, one Labour. Go to bed and see which ones are still there in the morning.


When I lived in Heeley many years ago My car was torched because I was campaigning for the Lib Dems.


No idea if it's changed since then.


---------- Post added 10-11-2015 at 13:04 ----------


Anyone who does not agree with Labour or the left is evil and despicable in their eyes.


That's the impression I get from the conversations I try not to have with them.

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Yeah - might actually help if you read what I said. Not what you thought, or would have liked me to have said.


I never said that it was just Cameron did I - I do believe I mentioned Brown and Blair in there as well.. So your assertion that I think it's only Cameron that gets abuse, fails at the first hurdle....



My response was.


Couldnt disagree more, the fact you think its one side only. You must be blind if you think its only Cameron who gets abuse.


Which is slightly contradictory as I have to accept that if thats your experience then thats your experience. I was referring to the pictures. However incredulous I might find it. It would have been better if Id just used the second sentence.


As for the political point scoring you accuse me of then pont it out. Im pretty apolitical and unimpressed by politicians in general.

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There's a saying that if you're not a communist by the time you're 18, there's something wrong with your heart. But if you're still one when you're 28 there's something wrong with your head.


The actual quote is by Winston Churchill.


“If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”


Somewhat different to your version.



In the past they attacked Thatcher who was a hateful vile person who simply went out of her way to make a point and attack people.


You mean she wasn't a spineless time server?

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