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What Has Happened To The Left?

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There are both in the lib dems. They put up capitalist candidates in capitalist areas and socialist candidates in socialist areas. They're still an alliance of the old Whigs and the Labour splinter group SDP.


They have a left of centre agenda so using your earlier arguments they must be socialists.

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From my recollection, they always planned to raise taxes more than cut them.

Local government is still government.


Can I ask how you would describe yourself politically. Right? Left?


You seem to want to categorise other people so what are you? What is your category?

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Can I ask how you would describe yourself politically. Right? Left?


You seem to want to categorise other people so what are you? What is your category?


I don't find "right" and "left" very useful.


On what seems to be the defining issues of the role of government:

I think government has grown too big.

I think taxes are too high.

I think the key to bettering ourselves is rigorous academic education.

I think unions do more harm than good.

I think progressive taxation should replace benefits as far as possible.


I think public services are highly inefficient. And I work in them, so I know. Therefore many should be privatised. Although universal healthcare is vital.


I have many other opinions, but I don't think they would tell you how socialist I am.


I guess that makes me a capitalist (or less socialist than average) by current UK standards.

Edited by unbeliever
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I don't find "right" and "left" very useful.


On what seems to be the defining issues of the role of government:

I think government has grown too big.

I think taxes are too high.

I think the key to bettering ourselves is rigorous academic education.

I think unions do more harm than good.

I think progressive taxation should replace benefits as far as possible.


I think public services are highly inefficient. And I work in them, so I know. Therefore many should be privatised. Although universal healthcare is vital.


I have many other opinions, but I don't think they would tell you how socialist I am.


I guess that makes me a capitalist (or less socialist than average) by current UK standards.


But then I'm a capitalist too. I want to be able own my own home. I earn a good salary working in the private sector. I want people to be able to own property, businesses and use their talents to their best advantage.


Capitalism is good for me but because of my background and upbringing I have a strong social conscience too. The things I support because of that I don't see as socialist. I see them as common sense and prerequisites if we are to consider our country as a civilised country.

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I think public services are highly inefficient. And I work in them, so I know. Therefore many should be privatised. Although universal healthcare is vital.


i work in the private sector and over time have worked in small, medium and large organisations and the idea that they are efficient is a fantasy, they waste as much if not more as the private sector, it just gets swept under the carpet so no one knows.

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